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10 Effective SEO Techniques To Drive Organic Traffic In 2020

The speed with which SEO is changing has changed the SEO techniques as well. With Google becoming more intelligent and classy, the aim is to analyze and understand the web pages more than it used to be in the past. Furthermore, the search engine’s effort to keep the audience in the same framework is making SEO all the more challenging. Sydney SEO provider Safari suggest that the rapidly shifting landscape of search engine optimization best practices means that strategies that were effective five to ten years ago are almost redundant in the current landscape. What matters, in the end, is replying to the queries of the online visitors and directing them to advertisements instead of organic listings, the higher is the amount of money to make.

The disguised advertisements, brightening the knowledge panels, and displaying video packs and images are a few things that degrade the organic listings down the SERPs, resulting in reduced organic clicks, forcing companies to focus on paid listings. Changing the SEO techniques can mitigate the woes of companies missing the opportunities of organic search.

Here are ten effective SEO techniques that drive more organic traffic in 2020.

1. Improving user experience

The aim of every search engine is finding the best results against the queries, failing which people may decide to switch to another SEO instead of the existing option. The low-quality of sites is less likely to get the desired rankings. If a website looks shabby, irrational, not trustworthy, and outdated, the potential user can bounce back and focus on other results. Although no confirmation has arrived yet, there is adequate evidence to know that the search engine provides rewards to those sites with better rankings and lower bounce rates.

Making the posts easy to read, writing quality content with short paragraphs, and various lengths of sentences using a pyramid style of writing and improving user experience on web pages are a few of the strategies to follow for improved organic traffic.

2. Optimization for voice search

With more and more users focusing on speakers, voice search is one of the components to integrate into the SEO strategy. When optimizing the website for voice search, you can leverage on long-tail keywords and use structured data for success.

3. Using the money pages

Landing pages, affiliate pages, and pages for brick and mortar stores are a few complications you need to remember during link building. However, you can change your approach and create a blog post and build links to it. It is one of the strategies to use for boosting the landing pages. As the starting point, you need to identify relevant content and improve or rewrite it to convince those linking to low-quality content for swapping out the link in your favor.

4. Mobile-First Design

You are aware of the significance of voice search but cannot skip the fact that more and more people today view their searches on mobile devices, such as smartphones. With the announcement coming from Google about using the smartphone mobile user-agent shows for crawling sites. Every new site today needs to leverage the mobile experience and ensure that the website is on mobile phones.

5. Clusters of topics and not keywords

As Google changes, so do its algorithm, and the search engine intends to understand the users’ motives, such as what they want to find and their expectations. However, contents focusing on keywords cannot suffice today. Therefore, it is more important to review the context of the write-up and highlight what users need to find. Knowing the target audience, disintegrating content into clusters, and proper keyword research are steps to follow.

6. Creating linger content

According to research, longer contents create more backlinks, which eventually results in better traffic and rankings on search engines.

7. Refreshing existing content

The old posts and pages that cannot pull visitors need to alter as Google leverages refreshed content in the SERPs for enhancing the likelihood of organic traffic.

8. Video and SEO

YouTube and videos are popular in the SERPs today and fall under seo management, so keeping this in mind is necessary. The concept of video marketing may not be a suitable option for everyone, but the prevalence of video cameras makes it lucrative.

9. Creating diverse backlinks
Link earned through outreach agencies, influencer marketing, and high-quality content is more effective for driving organic traffic.

10. Pay heed to technical SEO

Despite all the other steps you consider for driving organic traffic, technical SEO should never have loose ends.

Following the steps above can takes you closer to accomplishing the success of your website through organic traffic.