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11 Misfortunes of Contextual Advertising That SEO Solves

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It is not a secret that search engine optimization (SEO) is highly popular these days due to the variety of its advantages over contextual advertising. If you want to learn how your business can benefit from SEO and what are the main problems with contextual advertising, read on!

#1 Working Only with Audience That Is Interested in Your Offer

The annoying traditional advertising reaches the customers no matter if they want it or not. The traditional advertising approach is about ads that may interrupt user experience and cold emails that may be irrelevant for a particular person. As a result, many consumers find these ads really annoying and don’t catch the message offered there.

The SEO approach is different, as it is about providing needed information, presenting in text, image, or 2D animation clips, to people who are already searching for it. Instead of interrupting consumers while they are browsing the Internet or listening to music, SEO professionals create helpful resources and useful information that is accessible for a wide audience. Then, when the users are ready to spend some time learning more about the specific product & business or else, they will find you on their own.

In fact, this method is not only much more convenient but also provides great benefits for the business. According to HubSpot’s recent report, 59% of marketers said that the inbound practices of SEO Marketing result in the highest quality leads for their sales teams. The reason for that is that you work only with the target audience which is already considering making the purchase or using a certain service. So leads generated through optimized websites are more likely to transform into paying customers. 

#2 Reducing the Marketing Budget

You need a substantial budget for testing various versions of ads and eventually running the ones that deem the best results. The spending on advertisements also depends on the season and the number of keywords used there. Furthermore, contextual advertising is not suitable for all products and services. For example, it is useless for a small grocery store or mini market that is visited by a few dozens of people living in a particular area.  

However, SEO has successfully solved this problem, as you don’t have to pay for ads there. This means that once you have created the page the search engine deems worthy of directing their users to, it can constantly attract traffic to your site up to several years after you publish it. However, you should pay attention to the quality of content published, as it should be credible and provide the users with some new information.

#3 Avoid Limitations of Contextual Advertising

The contextual ads can be easily blocked by ad blockers or your advertising account may get banned at some point due to the strict policies of advertising platforms. That means that a certain type of content may not be promoted via paid ads. For instance, there are enough limits in Google: it is forbidden to promote personalized ads related to disease treatment, prescription drugs; the tickets for the events may be promoted only by Google-certified sellers, etc.

Unlike the contextual type, SEO marketing helps people find more information on the topic they are already interested in. So, if you create high-quality content and boost it with the right link-building strategy, you can promote almost any product or service. 

#4 Simplifying Implementation of Marketing Strategy

There is no wonder that creating effective advertising is really hard without having professional help. The deep knowledge, as well as the baggage of experience, is the key point of creating an advertisement, not to mention that you have to consider all the keywords and know what potholes to avoid in traditional ads.

SEO is more oriented on the consumer, that is why it ensures that your product is easily found by search engine sites through regular and organic search. That means your product or platform, like BigCartel, is noticed as soon as you reach the top of the search results, which leads to a higher tendency to be noticed by more users. We should admit that ranking in the top 5 or top 10 search results requires lots of time and dedicated work. However, if you create high-quality content over a substantial period of time and boost the content with quality backlinks you would achieve all of your long-term goals.

#5 Providing a Long-Term Reliable Strategy

Contextual advertising includes the strategy which may pull your website up and down depending on the content shown there. It might be unstable unlike SEO Marketing, which provides you with a minimum of over 6-month duration for your website to maintain optimal ranking. The Google algorithm updates may be something that can negatively influence your rankings. However, updates are usually aimed at making sure that the top positions are taken by websites with quality content. So by constantly filling your website with worthy and up-to-date content, you’d be able to maintain your position. So, to achieve this goals you need to screen and recruit candidates with exceptional knowledge

Another benefit of SEO over contextual advertising is that you increase loyalty to your brand by occupying top positions in search results. If people see that your content is worthy and that you’re an expert in the niche, they are more likely to purchase from you when they need your product or service.  

#6 Site structuring

When a user is in search of any information, he wants to receive an answer immediately, without an excess of clicks on the site. Long scrolling through the pages is tiring and often forces you to simply close the site and go to competitors.

Good SEO is all about building an intuitive structure that has important categories. Searching the site and isolating the main filters will demonstrate a positive dynamics of traffic. At the same time, attention is necessarily paid to adjacent pages that may be of interest to the user: similar products from the same category or another, but closely overlapping.

Having worked out the interests of the main contingent, the specialist will be able to develop the correct landing pages. For example, it can be pages for each region, which simplifies the search for services for people with different geo locations within the service circle of a given company. Or, separate pages are created for each service of the organization, where its features, advantages, etc. are described in detail.

Competent actions of a contextual advertising specialist will give noticeable results already in the first weeks of using the Internet site. The bounce rate will drop and the average time spent on the site will increase.

#7 Problematic page loading

At a time when high-speed Internet is everywhere, waiting for site pages to load becomes a “killer” of user confidence. They are not ready to spend minutes getting access to only one page, and what can we say about the transition between categories ?!

Slow loading is one of the first reasons for user rejection. But SEO specialists always pay attention to maintaining site load speed metrics. Therefore, it will be possible to increase the level of attendance at times.

#8 Direct customer connection and quality score for new users

If in contextual advertising there is an emphasis only on attracting traffic, then in SEO it is possible to influence users through a column with reviews. It simultaneously becomes a way of monitoring the effectiveness of the site for promotion specialists and turns into a tool that attracts users.

Having the opportunity to leave a review is a way to increase user loyalty and increase their desire to return in order to gain access to unique content.

It is also important to have the possibility of feedback forms that will be able to solve user problems quickly and efficiently.

#9 Correct content formation

Optimization of information tags – headers, titles, meta tags, description, can only be achieved using SEO services. This approach attracts search engines that bring the site to the top results, and also allow the user not to click links at random, but to immediately understand what will be waiting for him. After all, the user is allowed to see these details of the content in the search results.

#10 Control over the layout of sites from different browsers

In order not to thoughtlessly exclude the audience when adjusting advertising campaigns, based on low indicators in different browsers, it is worth resorting to SEO. The specialist will work out this issue in more detail, and solve problems without reducing the audience in the direct.

#11 Short success

If contextual advertising is a bet on fast results that will be visible today, then SEO is a bet on the future. Yes, the site cannot be tailored to user requests in 1-2 days. In addition, the CEO commits to work on a place in the TOP every day for months. However, the result will be definitely positive if the services are provided by an experienced specialist. The place in the TOP will be deserved, and the content is really high quality, which will be appreciated by the user. The site will become more convenient, faster and optimized as much as possible for the needs of the target audience.


As you have discovered in this article, Search Engine Optimization is the modern strategy that allows the business to gain quantitative and qualitative website visits through organic search engine results. It has a range of benefits over contextual advertising, as it promotes better cost management, results in a higher conversion rate, and helps to build loyal audiences around your brand. If you want to overcome the limitations of contextual ads, make sure to implement SEO into your marketing strategy and reap its great results in the future.