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2022: 7 Tips on How to Grow Your Business Network

People usually do business with those they like, trust, and know. People, not companies, make decisions. Using your professional network can open doors you would not otherwise have access to. For career advancement and business development, it’s not just what you know or can do, but who you know. Your network of highly experienced and knowledgeable people can also be a great source of knowledge for you.

Do you know what networking means? Networking is about reinforcing, establishing, and maintaining relationships of trust with other people to achieve your goals. Cable internet providers in Huntsville are simply networking geared towards professional goals, just like professional networking. Even though networking requires time, effort, and persistence, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Consider these networking tips.

  1. Become visible

When people don’t know what you’re doing, it’s as if nothing happened. Make sure you stay in touch regularly and consistently. Send emails, blog, socially network, and of course, meet in person.

  1. Keep a long-term perspective

Relationships close deals, but connections open doors. Effective networking goes beyond exchanging business cards and joining LinkedIn groups. Networking is most valuable when long-term, mutually beneficial relationships are established. It takes time to build relationships. Have patience. Communicate with your friends.

  1. Participate in the content

By sharing a blog post, white paper, or networking event that your connections would find useful, you can stay in touch with them. Please explain why you thought they might be a good candidate and why your note could benefit their career. Your connections can also tag you in articles they share on social media, and you can also Like and comment on them. While building your network, you can demonstrate your appreciation for your peers’ feedback by following this networking tip.

  1. Provide your advice

Don’t forget that networking isn’t just about what other people can do for you; it’s also about what you can do for them. You can build strong relationships by showing your connections that you value them by offering your guidance. You’ll also be one of the people they think of when it’s time to return the favor.

Say yes if your schedule allows an informational interview or informal coffee chat. Your advice could help your connections take the next important step in their careers while establishing you as an industry expert.

  1. Getting rejected

There will be setbacks, no matter how hard you work. Rejection is inevitable. Your calls and emails will go unanswered. Requests for meetings and introductions will be declined. Failure is better than never trying it at all so if you try, you might succeed. Be more resilient next time.

  1. Keep in touch

Establish a reputation of being dependable and persistent. Don’t let people down when they promise to do something for you. Respond to ignored emails. Make good on your promises.

  1. Take note

One of the most necessary but often overlooked skills in networking and business is listening. When you care about what people have to say, they appreciate it. You will learn about people’s challenges and get to know them better by listening, which can result in more productive business relationships. Authentically express interest and curiosity by asking open-ended questions.