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3 Ways to Accelerate Your Career in IT

The presence of many specialized sites with announcements and training courses significantly simplifies entry into the IT field. Newbies only have to decide on a direction, go through training, and then start looking for a job. There must be enough employment opportunities now.

Specialists are offered SQL developer remote jobs, as well as offers for system administrators and testers. After getting one of these jobs, specialists spend some time getting used to and adapting to new responsibilities. However, eventually, most decide to actively develop their career and look for ways to accelerate this process. In the article, we talk about several effective ways that will help you achieve your goal.

Expanding the Professional Circle of Communication and Finding a Mentor

Some professionals, wanting to speed up career development, rush to change jobs. They begin to consider new vacancies related to their activities or remote offers. For example, office workers sometimes look for remote Salesforce developer jobs to get more opportunities for professional growth.

However, this approach may not work because there is little knowledge of the new stage. That is why experts recommend establishing connections with experts in the field and looking for a mentor who could help in the process of reaching a new professional level. You can find such experts in social networks, in professional communities, as well as at work.

Improvement of Technical Skills

It is very difficult to accelerate career development without improving skills and knowledge. After all, these actions are the driving factor that promotes career advancement. To improve the situation, you need to periodically undergo training, upgrade your skills, follow the news and the introduction of new technologies, as well as attend thematic events.

These can be conferences, seminars, and trainings. When choosing this development option, it is important to take into account the features of such measures. They must be relevant. This can be determined by description. Usually, programs indicate a list of speakers and topics. If they relate to modern trends, then it is worth recording the event in your calendar.

Change of Direction

Sometimes, when looking for ways to accelerate career development in IT, professionals focus only on current qualifications. However, this can become a significant obstacle to obtaining new opportunities. To prevent this from happening, you should consider your skills from several angles. Perhaps your experience and skills will become the basis for obtaining a new, more promising profession.


The IT sector is one of those areas that is developing at a fast pace. This opens up wide opportunities for accelerating the construction of a successful career. However, this requires effort. Experts recommend improving skills, finding experts who can provide useful information for career advancement, and attending thematic events.