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5 Best Tools for Node.Js Software Development 

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Developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009, Node.js is a popular open-source, JavaScript runtime platform that helps run JavaScript outside of a browser. This web framework allows its users to run their code as a stand-alone application or outside of a browser environment. Using Node.js software, web developers are able to run JavaScript to write codes and commands to create dynamic web page content before the page is sent to their web browser. Node.js has made it extremely easy for web developers to produce scalable and fast web applications without much coding. The best part about Node.js is that it helps application developers to execute an application on both the server and the client simultaneously. 

Listed as the most widely used web framework amongst the developers in 2020, Node.js is developed by its creator using Google Chrome V8 JavaScript runtime environment. Since its launch, the software has undergone consistent upgrades and developments to incorporate emerging technologies, trends, and advancements in web development. There are many tools for Node.js software development in the market that you as a developer should know. Therefore, in this article, we have curated a list of the 5 best Node.js developer tools. Moreover, we have also discussed how you can secure Node.js developer jobs and build a successful career as a Node.js software developer.

So, let’s start! 

List of 5 Best Node.js Developer Tools

  1. Express
  2. Meteor
  4. Keystone
  5. Kao

Top 5 Node.js Developer Tools 

Below are the top 5 Node.js developer tools that every web developer should be aware of. 

1. Express 

Express.js is one of the most popular and widely used Node.js developer tools available in the market. It’s a flexible and robust Node.js web application framework that helps developers to create effective mobile and web applications without much hassle. Moreover, Express Node.js developer is extremely easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. Interestingly, Express.js, when merged with Node.js, is a complete website designing solution. Packed with powerful features, Express developer is a one-of-its-kind framework to develop engaging applications. 

Key Feature of Express

  • Ability to integrate database
  • Quick and easy API creation
  • Simplified multiple routing
  • Template engines to develop robust applications

2. Meteor

Meteor is an excellent Node.js developer tool to do cross-platform coding. This open-source framework is used by millions of developers worldwide to create web, mobile, and desktop applications in JavaScript. Some of the top-notch companies like IKEA, Dispatch, and Honeywell are using meteor to scale their business. Most importantly, Meteor helps in the fast development of easy-to-use web applications and is trusted by over 500k web developers across the globe. Moreover, it is integrated with the MongoDB database and can easily be used with any JavaScript UI widget library. 

Key Features of Meteor 

  • Supports integration of technologies you already use
  • Helps in building apps for web, mobile, desktop, and other devices using the same code
  • Meteor APM gives real-time metrics and stats on your app performance  


This Node.js developer tool is basically a JavaScript library for building real-time web applications. One of the fastest engines, enables bi-directional and real-time communications. It’s an excellent framework to get real-time stats and analytics on your app performance in a comprehensible way including logs, graphs, and charts. is suitable for both giant companies and small start-ups. In fact, this Node.js web developer tool is used by big names like Microsoft and Trello. Moreover, it can be easily used by both well-experienced and newbie web application developers. 

Key Features of

  • Facilitates two-way communication between the client and server
  • Provides auto-reconnection support
  • Robust reliability as it uses Engine.IO 
  • Automatic disconnection detection between the client and server
  • Binary and multiplexing support

4. Keystore

Keystone or “the superpowered CMS” is the fastest and easiest web developing framework for application developers to use. If you are a new Node.js learner, Keystone is what you should start your journey with. Based on Express, Keystone.js, or simply Keystone, is an open-source, full-stack web framework that uses MongoDB as the database. This makes it perfect for creating database-driven mobile and web applications and APIs in Node.js.

Key Features of Keystone 

  • Auto-generated user interface
  • Robust CMS framework 
  • Customized admin UI and logo
  • Database migrations 
  • Easy integrations 

5. Koa.js

Designed by the team of Express, koa.js is a next-generation developer tool for Node.js. It is more advanced than any other Node.js developer tool. Koa.js makes programming much simpler as it uses ES6 generators. At present, Koa.js is used by global companies like GAPO, Clovis, and Pubu. Unlike other Node.js frameworks, Koa.js has a smaller footprint, and hence, it does not depend on middleware. 

Key Features of Koa.js

  • Smaller in size 
  • No dependence on middleware
  • Built-in plugins 
  • Built-in catchall to reduce errors 

Want to gain expertise in Node.js developer tools to secure high-paying Node.js jobs? If yes, move to the next part of the article to learn the key responsibilities of a Node.js developer. 

Who Is a Node.js Developer?

Are you planning to work as a Node.js developer? If yes, it’s important for you to have a clear understanding of a Node.js developer’s role and key responsibilities. A Node.js developer creates a web, mobile, desktop, and applications for other devices. Their role is to manage data transactions between servers and users, connect different services to web applications, and build back-end components. 

To have a successful career as a Node.js developer, it is necessary to have extensive knowledge of Node.js software and services. Having prior experience in the field increases your chances of getting Node.js jobs. Moreover, having in-depth knowledge of JavaScript, web stacks, HTML5, and CSS3 further makes your profile stand out from other job seekers 

Key Responsibilities of a Node.js Developer

  • Developing web applications 
  • To maintain and deploy all server-side components. 
  • Collaboration with front-end developers to work on integrations
  • Keeping themselves up to date with the advancements happening in the field of Node.js development
  • To design customer-facing UI and back-end services
  • Managing and documenting database schemas
  • To code efficiently in order to produce high-performance applications

Top Companies Using Node.js 

Below are the top companies that are using Node.js software to scale their business. You can consider joining these companies as a Node.js developer.


Netflix is an American media services provider that has switched to Node.js as it is easy to use, cost-effective, and fast. Prior to switching to Node.js, the company was using Javascript on the frontend and Java on the backend. As a result, they needed web developers having sound knowledge of both the languages and required twice the work. 


PayPal is an American company operating worldwide to help easy online money transfers. It is one of the first companies to use Node.js in their company’s web development needs. It’s one of the largest online payment platforms, and yes, certainly a company that you can join as a Node.js developer. 


This world’s largest recruiter company shifted to Node.js to increase the efficiency of its web and mobile applications. Node.js allowed them to make single page requests to increase efficiency. Node.js helped them to bring more traffic to their platform and improved their page loading time.  


Node.js has helped this famous multinational retail corporation to improve the performance of its mobile apps. It’s because of Node.js developing that they are able to improve the efficiency and performance of their mobile apps.


Trello is  a global project management software that is using Node.js has its prototyping tool and server-side script to create a one-page web application.


Over the years, Node.js has become a go-to technology for companies across the globe. With Node.js, companies are able to develop unique, scalable, and high-performing web and mobile applications. It has solved the problem of web developers to work simultaneously on both the server and client. In short, Node.js web development is today dominating the application development world with its fast and extensive and affordable solutions. It is therefore important for web developers to keep themselves up to date with all the latest advancement happening in the field and have a sound knowledge of the best Node.js developer tools available in the market.

If you are new to Node.js development or thinking of securing a job as a Node.js developer, get hold of these 5 Node.js developer tools: Express, Meteor,, Keystone, and Kao. This article is a great place to begin with if you are trying to get a basic understanding of Node.js development and getting yourself familiar with the most popular developer tools in the field. Mastering these tools cannot stop you from building a successful career in Node.js web developing, and joining big names like Netflix, Walmart, PayPal, and LinkedIn.