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5 Fastest Browsers – Surfing Speedily in 2021

Internet browsing is the most favorite activity that people love to do in every corner of the world. But the point is surfing on the internet may get tougher if your disposal has a limited built-in RAM and the web design is not sufficient.  

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The most crucial thing is the impact that the browser might have on the RAM of your system. You may have also experienced system crashes or lagging depending on the configuration of your computer. 

So, you might be looking for the fastest browser that gives you the ultimate browsing experience.

Page load time refers to the time that elapses before a webpage is fully rendered by a web browser. No one thing is solely responsible for the amount of time it takes for a page to load. The loading time for many different websites can vary significantly depending on how the browser is being used (are you clearing cache regularly, how many extensions are you using, how many tabs are opened, etc.)Of course, your internet connection and the architecture of the websites you are using are also responsible for the loading speed. But the browser’s performance is another significant factor that might influence the time it takes for a page to load. For instance, websites with many advertisements may load more slowly than websites that contain fewer advertisements. This is because your browser needs to load the advertisements in addition to the content of the website. In that case, a browser with built-in ad blocking capabilities can frequently load a page more rapidly than a browser that gives you advertisements in addition to the page’s content. And that’s just one thing to be mindful of.

Which browser uses the least RAM? Which one gives the fastest surfing speed? These are the questions going to be addressed in this article. 

The five fastest browser uses the least RAM have been explored below that help you to select the best one for having an outstanding experience without updating in your system. 

Although, the need for resources also varies when it comes to the work efficiency of a browser. But the main emphasis in this article will be on the low impact that a browser may have on your system. 

List of the Fastest Browser which Uses the Least Ram 

  1. Opera
  2. UR browser
  3. Mozilla Firefox 
  4. Google Chrome
  5. Microsoft Edge 

Microsoft Edge 

Microsoft Edge holds the first position in the list of the fastest browsers because of the below mentioned features. 

Best Features of Microsoft Edge 

  • Outstanding privacy settings features
  • Compatible for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android
  • Low drain functionality 
  • Similar features like those of Google Chrome


If you have limited RAM nothing can serve you with the fastest and smoothest internet surfing experience than Opera. It is the top-ranked browser that uses the low resources of your system and provides the fastest browsing speed. 

Even if you have a low spec PC this internet browser will work great for you. Moreover, you can also make some customization on Opera with different and add-ons kinds of plugins. So, you can have a tailored experience meeting your needs. 

Similarly, in terms of speed of loading web-pages, it stands 1st comparatively to UR browser and Mozilla Firefox. Opera puts minimal stress over the resources of your computer. 

However, both the Opera and UR browsers are closest to each other in the context of their registered speed. This little difference relies on the computer that you used while using any of these browsers. 

This characteristic has made Opera attain the top position among browsers which uses the least RAM of your computer pushing UR on the second position. Because a little MB from the resources of your PC will have a significant impact. 

Furthermore, when it comes to security Opera is found to have better features than Firefox, Chrome, and others. Thereby, it provides a brilliant defense against cyber threats like phishing, and malware attempts. 

For those wondering which browser uses the least ram, Opera is the perfect option for them. 

Best Features of Opera

  • Pinning icons for customizing toolbars
  • Tab-stacks features – To pile tabs above each other
  • Security settings features – For phishing and malware that requires configuration to function
  • One-click bookmarking
  • Mouse gestures
  • Compatible with mobile devices, Windows, and macOS

UR Browser

UR browser uses low RAM while providing the fastest speed for loading web-page. If you don’t have a high-end computer this browser can help you to have a greater surfing experience after Opera. 

It goes very easy on the resources of your system because of its classic programming. It consumes the least RAM than Chrome and Firefox. 

The objective of this browser is to utilize the least resources to run for accessing users to the vast variety of features. 

Best Features of UR Browser 

  • Fastest speeds for loading a web-page 
  • Ad-blocker
  • Malware blocker
  • Least consumption of RAM
  • Built-in VPN service
  • 3 levels including a high, medium, and low level of privacy features 
  • Automatic population of updates and news on the home screen. 
  • Prohibit trackers or cookie 
  • A broad range of customization

Mozilla Firefox 

This browser is the true opposition to Google Chrome. For long people have been shifting from Google Chrome to Mozilla Firefox striving for the least RAM-consuming browser. 

Interestingly, the improved features and additional features of Mozilla Firefox earned a great reputation amongst users. 

The quantum of Mozilla Firefox goes decent on RAM of your system and works great instead of being a more demanding but bit slower browser with installed extensions. 

Further, it relies on an extension to deal with privacy and security which the UR browser does not that’s the reason UR browser has been positioned above Mozilla Firefox. 

Best Features of Mozilla Firefox

  • Highly intuitive interface
  • Rapid page loading
  • Various extensions to improve or customize Firefox
  • Tremendously well-optimized RAM usage
  • Private browsing
  • Best even for low-end computer 

Google Chrome

Regardless of being the compatible browser, Google Chrome stands last in the list of fastest browsers. Furthermore, Google Chrome has shown inefficiency in place of privacy settings features. Of course, you can use hardware acceleration when available, but it doesn’t solve all the problems. (with the anchor on “use hardware acceleration when available”).

Best Features of Google Chrome

  • A broad range of extensions
  • Smooth browsing experience 
  • Simple style 
  • Consumes RAM more than other browsers in the list

In a Nut Shell

Every browser in this list has its pros and cons; however, if you want to have a sleek surfing experience even on a low-end user system Microsoft would be the best choice. Because it is found to use the least RAM of your system while providing the fastest browsing among all.