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5 Features to Look for in a Business Data Migration Tool

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With many data migration tools available in the market, choosing one has become a challenge in and of itself. There are free, paid, and custom-tailored solutions to choose from, but which one is truly worth your business data migration?

The choice of a data migration tool is a key part of the data migration planning process and should be decided depending on the use case and business objectives. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a cloud data migration tool.

1. Supported Cloud Services

A data migration tool’s technological excellence is measured by the number of clouds it supports, such as Box, Dropbox, Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Egnyte, Citrix, and many more. Even if your migrating data needs are confined, such as migrating from Dropbox to Google Drive, you should choose a migration tool that supports data migration between a wide range of cloud services.

2. Chat Migration Support

From cloud data storage migration to workplace chat platform migration, leveraging technology helps digital transformation in various ways, making workflow seamless and productive. Enterprises have continued to migrate from Slack to Microsoft Teams, one of the most popular collaborations and productivity tools for businesses of all kinds, in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.

However, you must check that the tool can migrate all data from the source cloud to the destination cloud without losing any conversation history, permissions, or access.

3. Performance and Scalability

Migrating huge amounts of data from one cloud to another with a large files transfer can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Performance and scalability are paramount for projects with a huge amount of data that must be migrated in an acceptable amount of time. Choose the right data migration tool that provides accurate and effective data transfer, minimizes downtime, and scales up and down in response to changing data migration requirements.

4. Migration Support

Data migrations are typically complicated projects requiring extensive planning and attention to detail. You will likely need an expert’s help, and a dedicated migration team with the appropriate specialists in place to manage and drive the project should be established. Therefore, you should look if they have a specialized migration support team when choosing a tool.

5. Data Security

Data is crucial for any business and protecting it has proven a huge challenge during migration. You must choose a tool that provides the security level required for the specific type of data being migrated. This is especially important if you’re migrating business-sensitive data that must comply with regulations.