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5 Local SEO Tips for Small Businesses

Local SEO focuses on boosting the visibility of a business in local search results. It increases site rankings in search engines and local searches. Local SEO also increases conversion rates and lowers customer acquisition costs by connecting you to clients searching for what your business offers. In addition, it boosts your site’s organic traffic, helping build more qualified links and makes it easy for mobile users to find you and trust you more. Here are local SEO tips for small businesses.

1. Local keyword research

Local keywords are a good way for locals and website crawlers to find you. Keyword research helps you know how you rank for keywords and the keywords you can easily rank for. It also allows you to see the keywords your competitors are ranking for. In addition, keyword research helps you know what people are looking for so that you can tailor your content to meet their needs.

For your local business, incorporating your city name in your keyword will help locals reach you faster. You may also consider long-tail keywords as they increase your business’s visibility and help you rank higher in SERPs.

2. Create a blog and publish local content

Now that you have the right local keywords consider creating a blog and publishing content with all the keywords splashed across your posts. The content you create should be of high quality and value to your website visitors and especially the locals. Readers love content that solves their problems while educating them, so create content based on what they look for in search engines and optimize your posts for SEO. This will help boost traffic, improve your rankings, boost local SEO, and generate quality leads.

3. Page load time

Your page load time not only affects SEO, but user experience as well. Search engines rank sites whose load time is fast and boosts user experience. If your site load time is slow, visitors will abandon your site, lowering your rankings and ruining your local SEO. Optimizing your website for speed improves your site’s load time and boosts user experience, increasing your search engine rankings and improving your local SEO.

4. Make your site mobile friendly

As of 2019, Google had 61% of organic mobile search traffic. Making your website mobile-friendly will enable you a wider reach, increasing your customer base. To make your site mobile-friendly, select a mobile responsive theme and optimize your site for mobile by compressing images and consider hosting your videos with third parties like YouTube. Use a standard font size and eliminate pop-ups for a better user experience.

5. Encourage customer reviews

A significant number of excellent testimonials on your website boosts your local SEO, helping your site rank high on search engine results. Although it can be challenging to get your customers to review your website, find ways to entice them. Quality customer care services are an excellent way to get your clients to leave positive reviews on your website. This will enable prospects to trust you more, boosting your leads and conversions.


Local SEO is an excellent option for small businesses to enhance growth. Use these SEO tips to grow your local customer base.