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5 Office Software Must Have in Your Computer System

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Have you imagined how you would have managed all your work without computers? Even the thought of it is painful. 

Today, the world is so advanced that there are several tools and softwares to make your work independent of human labor, let alone assistance. It has several other advantages like it makes all the tasks less time-consuming, has greater accuracy, etc.

So, if you’ve purchased a new PC or are reinstalling Windows, don’t forget to keep these 5 softwares on your PC. We guarantee they’re useful to every demographic group.

  1. Google Chrome

To make searches over the internet on your PC, you’ll need a browser. Amongst all, the most preferred browser is Google Chrome. It loads faster and supports an extensive list of Chrome extensions.

With Google Chrome, you can also try cross-platform syncing. This means that you can open the tabs on your desktop on your phone and vice-versa. This means the browser is fit for all users. Moreover, this is available for free.

If you want to try something else except Chrome, you can try your hands on Firefox or Opera which are also available for free.

  1. TreeSize Free

After a point in time, all our devices start running low on storage. This is the most annoying thing to happen because now you have to sit and manually sort the files to delete the unnecessary ones. But what if we tell you that we have an escape route for this? You can solve this issue by installing a disk analyzer on your PC.

TreeSize Free tells us what is occupying the space on our computer. You just have to open the software and click on the disk you want to scan. It will organize all your folders according to the space they occupy and also show you how much space it is consuming.

After this, you can decide whether to delete those files or to keep them. So, you don’t need to manually sort the files. That will be done by the software. You simply have to delete the unnecessary ones.

  1. VLC

Because of YouTube’s universal nature, we don’t need to watch local videos too often. But this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t have a video player on our PC. And when we talk about video players, VLC is the best among all to play local videos. It has a ton of features and is available without any cost. You can download it easily.

Additionally, it can play approximately any video and audio format you can imagine. You don’t have to use it every day but while installing softwares, you have to consider this one to avoid the mess with video codecs.

  1. Microsoft Office

Can you even think about what work would be like without Microsoft Office? If you’re a student or an employed individual, Microsoft Office Suite is a must-have for all of you. There are multiple tools in it amongst which Excel, Word, and PowerPoint are the most popular ones.

Microsoft Word allows you to make documents. Microsoft Excel helps you to create spreadsheets and do basic calculations by applying formulas whereas Microsoft PowerPoint is useful for creating presentations. There are duplicate formats of these tools available but they aren’t recommended for your system.

  1. Paint.NET

You might have Microsoft Paint already installed, but Paint.NET is more user-friendly and provides better results. If you want to do basic light & color adjustments, blurring parts of an image, or retouching the old pictures then you will need an image editing tool on your PC.

We agree that Photoshop is the best tool for image editing but it comes with a cost whereas Paint.NET is available for free. Furthermore, this software is extremely user-friendly which makes it easy to use for non-tech people like you and me. You can also auto-level the photos, add text or shapes with the help of a few clicks.

Over to you…

Well, these are the 5 office softwares that are essential for every computer. The star-fact is that most of these are available for free. There are a lot of other super-advanced softwares available in the market. Before investing in them, you must always do a ground check about your requirements and industry type. Till then, this list can prove to be a healthy kick-start!