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5 Online Issue Solvers For Disappearance Of Mouse Pointer In Chrome

© by Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

There are multiple reasons why your mouse pointer disappears in Chrome. One of the major reasons is Hardware Acceleration. This feature is supposed to make browsing better and faster. But, there are some side effects to it, like the mouse failing to show up on Google Chrome. With the touchscreen mode, you can see this issue taking place even more.

Some of the other reasons are using old drivers, mouse misbehaving, missing or some of the corrupt system files, and more. People are not sure how to get their disappeared mouse back, but there are some simple steps that you can follow to cover this task. So let’s talk about those 5 solutions, which are pretty much straightforward and will help you to resolve the issue in no time.

  1.     Update your old Chrome:

An outdated system is one reason if you fail to see your cursor on Chrome. For solving such a scenario, you have to update Chrome to its latest version. Want to know how? Let’s talk about the steps then.

  • At first, you need to select the Google Settings within the dialog box by clicking on the 3-dot symbol on the right top corner.
  • Then get the About Chrome option on the left-back and click on it. Now, you have to see if the version is updated or not. 
  • If not, then click the Update Google Chrome option and click the Update button and then let the program work on it.

After you have done updating, check if the pointer is functioning or not.

  1.     Scanning for some malware:

Some of the root sources of the missing mouse problem will be malware. For detecting any intrusive software, you can use one of the major features of Google Chrome, which is Clean up Computer.

  • For that, you need to go to “settings” by clicking on the 3-dot symbol.
  • Then scroll to advanced and then select.
  • Later, scroll down again until you find the reset and the cleanup option.
  • Click on the “Clean up Computer” option.
  • Now select “Find” for starting the scanning procedure.
  • After finishing off the scanning, Remove any application that seems strange and out of place. 

Then you can check if you got your mouse back. If not, then restarting Chrome is a good idea.

  1.     Uninstall and then reinstall Chrome:

If the above-mentioned points are not that helpful, then uninstalling Chrome and then reinstalling it might help. For reinstalling Google Chrome, you have to uninstall it first.

  • For that, you need the power of Google Chrome Installer.
  • Visit the Start menu by pressing the Win button. Then you have to type the Control panel and select the application.
  • Scroll to Google Chrome in the installed list and then right-click on Google Chrome and choose Uninstall option.
  • After that, run the newly downloaded Chrome and then install it.

Whenever the installation process is covered, the chances are high that you can see the cursor running smoothly and much as you have asked for.

  1.     Remove various mouse connected:

If there are so many mouse options connected, then that can be a problem. Check it with the Setting app of your computer and eliminate the unwanted Bluetooth mouse or unplug the USB ones. This technique is going to work perfectly for you, only if there is not even a single technical issue with your laptop or PC. In case there are, then it is always suggested to go for some other options and not this one.

  1.     Restarting the computer can help sometimes:

Maybe the laptop or the computer you are using is just malfunctioning and tired. During such instances, you can just restart the computer using the same “Restart” option available in the start menu. Most of the time, you get to recover the present Chrome tabs by checking out the “History” section of it. So, there is no need for you to worry about losing information as you won’t be losing any.

Choose any one option:

Among the 5 above-mentioned options, you get to choose whichever one seems to be a perfect call for you. The more you research, the better options are coming your way to give out a try. So, check out these options now.