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5 Powerful and Key CRM Trends and Statistics You Should Know in 2023


With the rise of voice and chatbots, the future of customer engagement looks very different than it did in recent years. Data-driven personalization is becoming more important than ever before, as is the integration between all channels. And customers want a consistent experience across all channels—not just online but also offline like in-store or on mobile devices. These trends mean that you need to prepare your business for what the future holds if you want to succeed today!

Voice and Chatbots are The Future of Customer Engagement

As a customer engagement channel, voice and chatbot are the future of customer engagement. Customers have been asking for this kind of technology for years, but it hasn’t always been available or useful enough in the past. Now that we have voice assistants like Alexa and Siri, these platforms can be used to answer simple questions about products or services.

Chatbots are also becoming more popular as they become more sophisticated and able to handle complex queries from customers in real time by interacting with them via text messaging (SMS) messages or instant messengers such as WhatsApp Messenger along with other social media platforms such as Twitter etc., which makes them ideal tools for businesses looking to grow their customer base through social media marketing strategies such as influencer marketing campaigns using influencers’ accounts on Facebook Pages/Profiles where users will see posts related specifically towards those topics being discussed by multiple people at once often times making one post seem much more engaging than another when viewed simultaneously alongside one another instead just seeing one person posting their opinion alone which could lead readership away from reading further content written within those pages themselves rather than seeing what other people were saying since there wasn’t anything else going on besides just talking about things related either directly related back towards them personally or indirectly towards topics already mentioned earlier that day so far today too!

Data-Driven Personalization is the Key to Customer Experience

Data-driven personalization is the key to customer experience.

It means, quite simply, that you are going to use your data to provide customers with exactly what they want. And if it’s not what they want? Well then… so be it! Your job is not to make everyone happy; it’s just about giving them what they need and want in their lives.

In order for this strategy to work well for your business though, you need a good understanding of how people shop online (and offline). If we look back at our example from above: A customer browsing through an ecommerce site may see items similar but not identical ones from other sites as well—this makes sense since there might be more than one seller who sells those same products but with different prices/quality levels etcetera…

Customers Now Interact with You through Multiple Touchpoints

Customers are now interacting with you through multiple touchpoints, and it’s important to understand how they use these channels. For example:

  • Physical touchpoints. Customers can visit your retail locations or call centers to interact with you.
  • Digital touchpoints. They may also communicate with you via email or social media platforms like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp (owned by Facebook).
  • Virtual touchpoints such as chatbots on sites like Alexa where customers can ask questions about products or services without leaving their computer screen!

CRM Tools Must Integrate to Bring Unified Customer Experience

Data integration is a key trend for customer relationship management (CRM) that will help you integrate your CRM software with other systems.

Integration allows you to see all of the data from different sources, which can then be used to create a unified customer experience. For example, if someone calls in about an issue with their product or service, they should get a personalized response based on what they’ve purchased and where they live. This means you’ll have access to information such as:

  • Their name
  • Their address
  • The type of product or service purchased (e.g., insurance policy)

Customers Want a Consistent Experience Across All Channels

Customers want and expect an experience that is consistent across all channels. This means they want to be able to access their CRM data, contact information and account information on any device or platform. They also want the same functionality and functionality when interacting with your brand in person or on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

Consistent experiences are important for customer retention, satisfaction, loyalty and brand loyalty.

With these trends in mind, you can prepare your business for what the future holds.

With these trends in mind, you can prepare your business for what the future holds.

  • Keep an eye on the trends and statistics. These numbers are important because they can help you identify areas where you need to improve or develop new strategies. They will also show if there is a need for new technology or staffing changes within your company.
  • Don’t get caught out by them! It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all these changes, but it’s important not only that we understand them but also how best fit them into our plans so that we don’t end up getting left behind by other businesses who have already made their decisions about how best deal with these issues (or even better yet – found solutions). If nothing else: keep learning!


You now have a better idea of what to expect in your CRM tool, as well as the trends that are likely to shape the future. There are many exciting things on the horizon, including automation and artificial intelligence. We hope this information can help you prepare your business for these changes by being aware of them early on.