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5 Technological Advances That Are Shaping the Gaming Industry

From playing 2D arcade games on PC to playing monster 3D games on the smartphone, technology has transformed the gaming industry completely. Players can now enjoy immersive graphics and seamless gaming experience. Here are some unbelievable advances in gaming technology.

Gesture control

Gesture control technology gives gamers the freedom to control the action in games without having to touch the joystick or their smartphone. All you have to do is use the correct type of wearables such as a ring or wristband. Once you activate your gesture control device, you can control the actions of characters in the game. For instance, Intel RealSense Technology allows gamers to interact with the device by just waving their hand. A 3D camera tracks 22 separate points on your hand and allows you to control the game. “I think 10 years from now, you would rarely find a game that doesn’t have some kind of natural control,” says Joseph Laviola, a computer scientist at the University of Central Florida in Orlando.

Facial recognition

The facial recognition technology identifies a person from a digital frame or video source. In gaming, the technology allows systems to create the gaming environment as per your preferences. You can create your favorite avatar or even transfer your expressions to other digital creations. Chinese tech giant Tencent uses facial recognition technology to identify and monitor players of its video game. Intel’s 3D camera technology could allow developers to create more realistic games that adapt to the facial characteristics of the gamer by tracking 78 different points on the player’s face.

Cloud gaming

Cloud gaming is a type of online gaming that runs games on a remote server and streams them directly to the gamer’s device. Cloud gaming can be the next big thing in gaming as it allows users to play games from almost any device. With cloud gaming, you don’t need a good hardware device to play games. The technology can provide much needed to compute for open-source gaming, which enables developers to create new games that offer a seamless gaming experience. As gaming takes to the cloud, players and developers are all winning by harnessing the power of low-latency interconnection at the edge.

Mobile games

Today, mobile phones are practically game consoles in the palm of the player’s hand. With a good internet connection and a smartphone, you can play your favorite games on the go. Mobile games take less time to develop, are cheaper and have more likelihood of being adopted by more players. Mobile gaming offers an immersive experience and is likely to see an increase in the future.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality offers a whole new generation of computer games that give players a truly immersive, first-person perspective of game action. VR provides appealing virtual objects to gamers and it has an ability to take gamers into the game in real-time. As VR games can be controlled by the movement of the body, players with a VR headset can move around the artificial world.