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5 Things Your Contractor Doesn’t Want You To Know About Basement Crack Repair

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Basement crack repair might not be the most important home improvement, but it is undoubtedly among the most crucial. Basements, after all, serve as the foundation for our homes. A compromised basement can compromise the whole structure and interfere with its stability and structural intergrity. And while many homeowners rely on contractors for solutions, it’s essential to know a few secrets that some might not readily disclose. Let’s delve into five things your contractor might not want you to know about basement crack repair.

Not Every Crack is severe

The sight of a crack in your basement can immediately create panic. For many homeowners, it symbolizes potential structural issues or water damage. However, understanding the nature of cracks is vital before making conclusions. Not every basement crack signals a disaster. There are various types of cracks. Some are merely superficial, caused by the natural curing process of concrete. Hairline cracks, particularly, often don’t indicate structural problems. They’re more cosmetic than concerning, and while they might not be pleasing to the eye, they are usually not harmful. On the other hand, inevitable cracks can be more concerning. Observing horizontal cracks or those wider than 1/8-inch may indicate more significant issues, potentially requiring professional concrete crack repair. Such cracks might signify pressure from the soil outside or even foundational shifts. Contractors might sometimes exploit a homeowner’s lack of knowledge, pushing for unnecessary and expensive foundation crack repair services. So, while addressing genuine issues is essential, it is crucial to differentiate between minor and significant concerns.

Epoxy Crack Injection is Not Always the Best Solution

Epoxy crack injection is a widely recommended solution in basement repair. Its reputation lies in its ability to bond cracks effectively, restoring the original strength of the concrete. But is it the best fit for every kind of crack? For inactive, static cracks, those that don’t change or widen over time,  epoxy is often an excellent choice. It forms a rigid bond, ensuring the crack doesn’t widen further. However, epoxy might not be ideal for active, moving cracks. That is because its rigidity can become a problem. If a crack continues to move or expand, the rigid epoxy can break, rendering the basement crack repair ineffective.

In such scenarios, polyurethane injections, which are more flexible and can accommodate movement, become a more viable option. They can seal the crack while also adapting to slight shifts and movements. Unfortunately, not all contractors provide this nuance, often promoting epoxy crack injection as the one-size-fits-all solution. As a homeowner, understanding the nature of your basement crack can save you from potential repair failures.

Cheap Fixes Can Cost You More in the Long Run

It is always tempting to move towards cost-effective solutions, especially when budgets are tight. The market is flooded with DIY kits and affordable basement crack repair services promising swift fixes. Opting for a cheaper solution might provide temporary relief, but there’s a risk of the issue reoccurring. In concrete crack repair, superficial fixes can lead to recurring problems. What seems like a money-saving move initially can culminate in more significant expenses down the line as repeated repairs become necessary. Moreover, continuously patching up cracks without addressing the root cause can compromise the overall integrity of the basement. While the initial investment in a high-quality repair might seem complicated, it often pays off in the long run, ensuring peace of mind and a secure foundation.

It Is Better To Prevent Than Cure

It’s one thing to repair existing cracks, but what about preventing them in the first place? Prevention might not be the most crucial aspect for contractors, but it’s nothing good for homeowners. Water is the primary enemy of basements. Proper drainage plays a pivotal role in basement health. Gutters and downspouts should be in good condition, directing water away from the house. The grade of the soil around the home is equally crucial. Surrounding soil should slope away from the foundation, ensuring rainwater doesn’t pool near the house, causing potential seepage or pressure. Another preventive measure is ensuring the basement is adequately waterproofed. Interior and exterior waterproofing can shield your basement from potential water damage. Sadly, not all contractors emphasize these preventive strategies. While repairs are essential, proactive measures can significantly reduce their need, ensuring a dry and healthy basement.

Experience and Specialization Matter

Basement crack repair isn’t just another home improvement task. It’s a specialized job requiring expertise and knowledge. However, the waterproofing market is vast, with many general contractors offering services, including foundation crack repair. When choosing a foundation or basement crack repair contractor, it’s essential to prioritize experience and specialization. Repairing a crack isn’t merely about sealing it; it involves understanding the structure, the surrounding soil type, and potential future shifts. A seasoned contractor specializing in foundation crack repairs will be equipped to address the current issue, provide insights into the cause, and offer solutions to prevent future problems. Before committing, homeowners should check references, review past projects, and inquire about the contractor’s experience in basement and foundation repairs. An informed decision ensures the safety and longevity of the repair, providing homeowners with peace of mind


Homeowners can only understand basement crack repair more confidently if they know what happens in such fields. Understanding the challenges, from the type of cracks to the appropriate repair methods, ensures a robust and long-lasting solution for your home’s foundation. Therefore, it is the absolute duty of a homeowner to always be up to speed with matters related to basement crack repairs. This one step ahead makes it better for a homeowner who is likely to be exploited by a basement waterproofing contractor.