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5 Tips for Writing a Good Essay

As a person who has been working with text for essay writing help and not for the first year, I want to note right away that there are quite a few rules that definitely cannot be broken, and the essay itself is still a genre; there is where to disperse. How can you write a good copy? There are some simple tricks and tips. Let’s start!

1. Read a lot.

Magazines, newspapers, and books. Nothing forms a sense of language as quickly as reading. Reading helps expand vocabulary, teaches you to work with syntax and argue for a position. Pay attention to the good old epistolary genre.

Know your audience and communicate with them in their language

The words “nourish” and “skimp” are not appropriate for text addressed to high school students. And so on, following the same pattern.

2. Learn to work with composition

At school, we were taught that a work has a beginning, development, culmination, and denouement. With some reservations, this also works with journalistic genres. In English speaking colleges also teach that in the main part (body) there should be several thoughts, which in turn confirm or dispute the thought indicated by the key one for the text. There are links or transit paragraphs between them. Before writing your essay, think about what this body will contain.

3. Study the topic you are writing about as best you can

By studying, I mean two things at once: collecting information and analyzing it. Come up with a specific idea you intend to convey through the essay. Example: an essay about The Picture of Dorian Gray. Read Oscar Wilde himself and a couple of critical articles, one by his contemporary. Then think about how you feel about Dorian Gray’s personality yourself, and put it all into a composition. Do not forget to include sources.

4. Know how to dilute the text with “jokes”, but do not deviate from the topic. 

Remember, your jokes must be clear to your readers. Believe me, it is completely unimportant. But it’s like small talk is a small association that makes the text interesting and clearer. We could have done it without a joke,  but that would be boring.

5. Avoid clichés

Texts filled with phrases that themselves ask for the language are not interesting. I share with you an interesting life hack: choose associations of the second level or put pressure on a play on words, it helps to surprise the reader, which is exactly what you need. For example: “Do not be a woman who sits and waits for her prince on a white horse” is an unfortunate phrase, because after the word “prince” the reader knows without you how the sentence will end. The reader understands what you mean and sees, so to speak, the irony.

Archaisms, and Internet slang are better left as well. For, since, the Internet, that’s all. 

6. Know how to ask the right questions.

This generally applies to any text. For a seasoned essayist, this habit kicks in as soon as he opens his laptop. Don’t leave the reader at a loss. Don’t miss logical connections. If something is obvious to you specifically, it does not mean that it is clear to the reader. Reread the draft and ask the text questions that would come naturally to the reader.

 Write a lot. Write about what interests you. Treat essays as a way to organize the information you hold. Good luck!