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5 Ways Cold Weather Can Affect Sleep Apnea

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Sleep apnea is a medical condition where most sufferers experience severe narrowing nasal airways, making it difficult for the body to receive appropriate oxygen levels. As a result, the brain signals the body to interrupt sleep and prompt immediate breath intake. The winter weather could worsen constriction, increasing these bouts.

For those seeking better shut-eye, consider the following five common winter conditions and habits. By understanding the main factors of sleep interruption, people can adopt changes that bolster sleep quality.

How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With?

When frigid temps arrive, so too does the desire to snuggle under piles of blankets. However, too many of these clothes could increase body temperature, triggering breathing issues that prove troublesome for apnea patients.

Instead of grabbing multiple covers, create a similar sensation by pairing an Airfit p10 mask with a weighted blanket. This combo assists with evening breathing and still provides that much desired cozy feeling.

Is a Cold Making Your Slumber Worse?

Winter is the season of allergens and germs, and, thus, the sniffles become pretty familiar with many experiencing severe congestion or sinusitis. Harvard Medical emphasizes that when this happens, people endure swollen membranes behind the eyes, nose and forehead, adding significant pressure both day and night.

Sleep apnea exacerbates during this state with double the tension in the nasal canal. Allowing the body to heal appropriately helps kick those germs to the curb and mitigates the condition. Drink lots of water, rely on saline sprays and get a good evening’s slumber.

Does Room Temperature Affect Your Night Breathing?

Studies indicate that the ideal sleep temperature for most people is between 60 to 67 degrees F, so those colder temperatures could assist your bedtime and increase deep sleep cycles. With that in mind, don’t touch the thermostat too much.

Sleep apnea patients often sleep with their mouths open, and the cooler air intake impacts the nasal system and causes additional obstruction. To soothe the mouth and enjoy the cooler air, look into the best full face CPAP mask to keep you resting well.

Does Limited Activity Hinder Your Deep Dreams?

Many people limit their outdoor time when the frigid climate picks up. Less movement means expending less energy, making it harder for the body to wear out and shut down. Avoid sitting for too long, and be sure to get up and walk around indoors.

Is the Dry Air Impacting Your Sleep Routine?

Nippy air tends to mean it’s also dry. With each inhale taken, therefore, the lungs and nasal passages suffer, losing much-needed moisture. As a result, constriction increases, making it a struggle to gain basic oxygen levels.

Try adding a humidifier to the bedroom, or look at ResMed Airfit n30i nasal cradle mask reviews. The comfortable facial cover blocks the dry air.

This winter, ditch restless sleep and enjoy sweet dreams by reflecting on what factors disrupt your nighttime peace. Adjust your room’s conditions to suit the harsher environment and supply yourself with equipment that provides comfort and alleviates your breathing troubles.