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5 Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Website

You’re about to launch your new business. You’ve got an idea and a plan to carry it out. There’s just one more thing left to figure out, and that’s your company website.

When a potential customer logs onto your website, they are already beginning to make the decision of whether to do business with you. It’s their first impression of you and their first means of communication with you. That places a lot of pressure on this project.

But, to make it work, all you have to do is follow these steps.

1. Use Google Analytics 4 services

This is indirectly for the customer because it will give the business owner more insight into what works and what doesn’t.

Those who have gone through with GA4 migration will be able to monitor traffic on their site immediately and with a depth unprecedented by other software. You’ll know exactly how much engagement each post receives.

When you know what is well-received and what isn’t, you can change or implement tactics much quicker. No one naturally knows what will be marketable, what to keep, and what to scrap. That’s why apps like this were designed.

2. Optimize Speed

Nothing will turn a potential customer off faster than having to wait forever for a page to load. It won’t be long before they become frustrated and leave for a more responsive website.

You don’t have to be a programmer to do this. In fact, there is software out there that can take care of this for you.

However, you can speed up your website through a few simple means, such as reducing your number of plugins and JavaScript or CSS files.

When your clients have a hassle-free experience, they’ll want to come back for more.

3. Make the Site Readable

This is a small but crucial detail. It doesn’t matter how good your product or online content is if it is unreadable. Here are the rules for making legible online content.

  • Use a legible font. It’s better to stick with tried and true, such as Arial and Times New Roman.
  • Make the text darker than the page with significant contrast.
  • Pick a color that doesn’t strain the eyes. Avoid yellow, hot pink, orange, etc.
  • Make the text big enough. A person will only work so hard to try to read something.

 4. Install a Virtual Assistant

You can’t be on your device and ready to answer client messages at all times, and even when you are available, you can only talk to one person at a time. Divided attention will decline the quality of service for each person, leading to dissatisfaction.  

To combat this, many business owners have incorporated a virtual assistant to talk to their customers upon visiting their websites. You can program it to answer any number of questions. This way, you can offer assistance to clients even when you can’t do so in person.   

5. Make it Easy to Navigate

One of the most common mistakes in developing a website is making it too complicated. It comes from good intentions of providing a lot of options, but it will only be confusing for potential customers.

You want your website to get to the point. Inform clients of who you are, what you do, and how to reach you. Make your inventory and contact information straightforward.

Many people are struggling to keep up with ever-evolving technology. Instead of making them nervous, make it simple and recognizable for them.  

Creating Your Masterpiece

The rules of a successful website are simple. Make sure you know what your clients are thinking, and stay up to date on that information. Make the layout clear, the text legible, and the mechanics straightforward. This simple formula will get you more customers than any gimmicks could.