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6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Laptop for Work

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If you’re in the market for a new work laptop, the last thing you need is to purchase one that ends up being useful for little more than streaming videos, checking email, and surfing the internet.

You must consider your specific use case to find the right laptop — otherwise, you may end up with a dreaded case of buyer’s remorse.

According to Spherical Insights, the laptop market was worth $19.03 billion last year and could expand at a 1.89% compound annual growth rate from 2023 to 2033. Factors driving expansion in the laptop market include businesses increasingly investing in laptops to help employees collaborate, access cloud-based tools remotely, and attend virtual meetings.

If you need a work laptop, here are six mistakes you must avoid. You need the right tools for your profession. Steering clear of the errors mentioned below will ensure you find the right laptops to consider for work.

Mistake #1: Ignoring the Physical Size of the Machine

One mistake to avoid is thinking that a laptop’s physical size doesn’t matter. The size matters a great deal. While a machine with a smaller screen might be cheaper than one with a larger screen, you should avoid focusing solely on the price. Depending on assigned tasks and responsibilities at work, you may need a larger machine with a bigger screen and keyboard.

Working on a tiny laptop may lower your efficiency and productivity — particularly if you’re used to using computers and laptops with normal-sized keyboards. Trying to save money by getting a laptop that’s too small may cost you more in productivity than it saves you in price.

Mistake #2: Buying Something With Insufficient Memory

Another error to avoid is buying a computer with insufficient memory. That’s all the more critical if you require lots of applications to do your job. So, get as much RAM, which stands for random access memory, as needed to accommodate the programs and data you’ll have on your computer. Your company’s IT department is the best source for determining how much RAM you need.

Mistake #3: Failing to Consider Ports

It’s easy to overlook ports when considering a new laptop — but that’s a mistake. One thing you musn’t overlook is the port situation. Specifically, ensure any laptop you buy has ports to support the external devices you need. Do you plan to plug printers, scanners, mice, HDMI cables, or other things into your laptop? If so, ensure the laptop you purchase has the ports you require. 

Mistake #4: Neglecting to Consider Specs

Failing to consider the laptop specs is a recipe for disaster. While RAM, screen size, and keyboard size are vital specs, so are things like hard drive type, processor, storage capacity, and graphics card. If in doubt as to the specs to focus on, ask your boss or someone in the IT department. Your employer is the best source for information about essential laptop specs. 

Mistake #5: Opting Not to Consider Battery Size

Yet another mistake you shouldn’t make is buying a laptop without considering the battery size. That’s especially true if your job requires travel. You won’t always have access to an electrical outlet, so a laptop with a big battery can be a godsend for work. While an adapter is great when you’re stationary and can plug into an electrical outlet, that won’t do you any good if you can’t plug into the power grid. So, it’s best to get a laptop with a large battery. 

Mistake #6: Failing to Set a Budget

Set a realistic budget before going laptop shopping. While you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg on a machine, you shouldn’t go for the cheapest one you can find either. Remember that you need a robust laptop for work. So, set a realistic budget before starting your search for a laptop.

These are some errors to avoid when you need a work laptop. Finding the right machine means you’ll have one of the tools to get things done at work. Steer clear of these common mistakes to get the machine you need.