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6 Shows to Watch If You Want to Learn More About CBD Gummies

When you want to learn more about CBD on your television or streaming device, there are not a lot of options. THC free CBD gummies are not quite as glamorous as their scandalous counterpart, marijuana gummies.

Most shows highlight the THC-loving portion of the cannabis culture, with all sorts of entertaining selections geared toward stoners and potheads of all types. “That 70s Show,” Cheech and Chong movies, “Weeds,” and “High Maintenance,” dominate the cannabis and hemp-related genres right now. The characters on these shows could very well be the more interesting characters for a story, but current programming is completely ignoring potentially one of the most significant shifts in the health and wellness industry since hemp was originally outlawed in 1938.

Due to their ability to affect every part of the body, CBD oils, CBD gummies, and CBD topicals are currently under investigation to treat a long list of illnesses and symptoms. Researchers believe that CBD products may have powerful neuroprotective, antidepressant, anti-anxiety, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-cancerous properties. As a result, the market for these products is booming, and people are buying every iteration of CBD they can get their hands on.

One company housing these products is Bluebird Botanicals (

Despite the popularity of this amazing substance, there is a dearth of straightforward information readily available about the law or scientific facts related to CBD, and instructions on how to make CBD oil at home. A search for shows about CBD pulls up mostly shows related to marijuana, and a few very outdated shows about hemp.

There are a few interesting documentaries focused on CBD out there, and many legitimate news productions—like “PBS Newshour”—feature special reports on the hype and truth surrounding CBD. The CBD industry is changing so rapidly, however, that it may be challenging to create anything to watch that stays relevant for more than a few weeks at this point.

Here are a few interesting shows that seem to present either very objective, or very unique views on CBD, including the history and uses of hemp, its potential as a cure for cancer, and the direction the hemp industry is headed. So take some THC free CBD gummies, sit back, and get ready to learn more about the past, present, and future of one of the fastest-growing industries in the history of the United States.

1. Dr. Oz
The medical expert frequently featured on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” for years, Dr. Oz now has his own regular daytime show. He covers all sorts of health-related topics, and nothing is off limits. While technically not an advocate for CBD, Dr. Oz regularly addresses its potential uses and benefits on his show. You can find segments about CBD on his YouTube channel, covering everything from the basic functioning principles of how CBD works, to the symptoms it is currently under investigation to treat.

2. “Weed”
Started in 2013 to investigate the use of medical marijuana, this CNN documentary hosted by Dr. Sanjay Gupta comes as a five-part series. The first installment visited the Stanley Brothers, (founders of “Charlotte’s We”b CBD), and Charlotte Figi (their inspiration). Charlotte started having seizures as a baby, and the only relief her mother found was CBD. The Stanley Brothers worked to create a hemp especially for Charlotte and other children like her, and that propelled them into the successful company in existence today. The most recent installment, WEED 5: The CBD Craze, investigates CBD, its value and benefits, and how to safely obtain it.

3. CBD Hemp Oil
This series of short, digestible videos explores the differences between CBD and medical marijuana, and the benefits of each. The creators of the series also offer reviews of a few of their favorite CBD brands. The videos can be found on Amazon Prime and are free to watch with a membership.

4. “Run From the Cure”
Released in 2008, “Run From the Cure” follows Rick Simpson, who claims cannabis cured his cancer. He began giving hemp oil away for free to help people looking for natural healing, but was stopped by law enforcement. The documentary follows his path to discovery, and his subsequent work to help others. The video harkens back to the day when CBD was a controlled substance, and includes instructions on how to make CBD oil at home.

5. “The Emperor of Hemp”
Another pre-legalization documentary, “The Emperor of Hemp” addresses conspiracy theories behind the prohibition of hemp, the benefits that were being studied at the time of the video’s making, and the future of the hemp industry. This is a good one to watch if you are into politics related to the cannabis industry.

6. “The God Plant”
Released in 2018, this documentary looks at the entire history of the cannabis plant. Less focused on CBD, and more focused on cannabinoids as a whole, the show explores the history of hemp and cannabis. From the ancient development in the human endocannabinoid system, to the future of legislation and production, this documentary gives a comprehensive understanding of the history and science of cannabis.