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7 Powerful AI Marketing Tools

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If you’re still viewing AI as a hype that will soon come to its logical end, as it usually happens, well, we hate to break it for you, but it’s not going to happen anytime soon. AI isn’t a passing fad. It’s transforming our reality, and smart marketers already make use of AI-powered tools to uplift their campaigns. 

Luckily, you’ve stumbled upon this article. We’re not keeping secrets to ourselves. Quite the opposite. Our take on it is that it is only fair that you know what digital marketing tools other marketers use and what kind of impact they can make, but whether to use them or miss out is entirely up to you. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of AI marketing tools, covering everything from the best social media caption generators to advanced analytics platforms, chatbot builders, personalized content generators, translations, and more. Before diving into the adoption of a new AI tool, many businesses initiate a request for proposal (RFP) process to ensure they’re selecting the most suitable solution for their specific needs. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll have a wealth of knowledge to make informed decisions about integrating AI into your marketing strategies for maximum impact.

1. Jasper

Jasper, which you may know better as, is an advanced AI writer tool ideally suited for marketing purposes. What sets it apart from many other AI-driven tools for generating content is that, in addition to the GPT3-model, it also uses a proprietary LLM that was specifically trained with marketing needs in mind.  

As a result, content crafted with Jasper comes out as engaging and human-like as it could be. What’s more, it provides a number of article templates like AIDA, PAS, Feature-to-Benefit, and more, so you can choose the most suitable one depending on the task at hand. Whether you need new landing pages, ad copies, emails, posts for social media or product descriptions, Jasper will do the trick.

2. Grammarly

Another tool that marketers use to improve their copy is Grammarly. The Internet has long become a place where anyone can write. However, not all authors are brilliant, and poor-quality articles you’ve most definitely encountered on more than one occasion serve as proof. 

Unfortunately, mistakes can be fatal, especially in marketing. Not only do they negatively affect search engine rankings, with people leaving the site almost instantly, but they can also get in the way of sales. Would you trust someone who can’t put two words together? The answer is obvious: you need to hire a content marketing consultant. That’s where Grammarly comes to help.

By checking your articles and emails for grammatical and spelling errors with this tool, you can save yourself the embarrassment and position yourself as a strong player in the business world. 

3. Survey SEO

You can use traditional analytics tools to analyze underperforming articles on your site, which will take a lot of time, or you can take advantage of AI tools, like Survey SEO, that can do all the hard lifting for you. The beauty of this tool is that it can not only analyze the SERPs but also compare your content with top-ranking websites, shedding light on gaps in your content. 

Moreover, it can help improve your organic traffic by giving you clear directions as to the length of content, images, and keywords that best resonate with semantic search. So, rather than guessing what needs to be done to improve your SEO, Survey SEO provides data-driven recommendations that are backed by comprehensive analysis for all kinds of information, even including Accounting integrations of Shopify and Quickbooks.

It is also advisable to use SEO friendly NextJS Admin Template to develop a SEO friendly web app. It will help you boost your business and bringing traffic to your app.

4. Chatfuel

Gone are the days when it was easy to capture user data by simply tossing fillable forms their way. While you may have a different option and continue to see value in this approach, there’s no denying that chatbots handle this task far more effectively. A case in point is Chatfuel.

Among the vast number of virtual assistants used, Chatfuel is the most popular choice for marketers. What sets it apart is its remarkable adaptability. Whether you’re aiming to provide instant customer support, gather user data, qualify leads, or even streamline transactions, it can be seamlessly customized to meet your specific needs. 

Aside from that, it can be easily integrated with third-party platforms like Shopify or set up via an API to fit with a custom software solution.

5. Brand24

It’s not enough to just tirelessly create campaigns. For impactful results, your campaigns should reach an audience that is interested in your product or service and what’s even more important perceives your brand positively. Otherwise, your CTR will not move in the slightest if you continue targeting those who are avoiding you. 

The Brand24 tool, as the name suggests, allows you to extract valuable data about what people think about your brand. Based on NLP, it analyzes user reviews to find the ones that have negative context and indicates which platforms they were posted on. This way, you can proactively address concerns and shape a more favorable brand image.    


If you want to create content that not only sounds engaging but is also SEO-friendly, is your go-to choice. By quickly scouring the web for top-ranking articles that include the needed keywords, it generates optimized outlines, allowing you to craft pieces that appeal to search engines. By utilizing a tool that can scrape dynamic websites, you can efficiently gather the latest information from top-ranking articles that contain the necessary keywords.

What’s more, it doesn’t just leave you there. Once the article is ready, it assesses it for SEO strength. The higher the score you get, the better the chance that it will rank high in SERPs.

7. Pictory AI

Many small companies don’t embrace the diverse world of marketing channels only because they’re limited in resources. If you’ve been thinking about going on TikTok but hiring a video editor isn’t an option, Pictory AI has your back. It’s a game-changing solution that can convert texts into videos and allow you to edit your video with text.  

The best part? It creates unique content using AI-generated stock footage, music, and voiceovers, so you can use it safely without worrying about copyright infringement. You can also integrate video API to enhance the quality and customization of the videos you create. 

8. Colorcinch

Revamp your images effortlessly with Colorcinch -an intuitive photo editing tool. Its AI-powered background changer and remover lets you replace photo backdrops with new colors or crisp white backgrounds -ideal for showcasing winning products in your online store or crafting PNGs from photos. You can also turn your ordinary photos into stunning sketches, drawings, paintings, cartoons, and more with just a  single click using its wide array of photo effects and filters. Using AI for logos, art, and graphic design purposes have become all the rage in 2023.

With Colorcinch, you can unleash your creativity and transform your images into captivating visuals for your social media campaigns, blog and website, and promotional materials.

In Conclusion

To recap, in the realm of legal contracts, you can do marketing the old way, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, don’t be surprised if one day you wake up and find out that what worked yesterday no longer works. Just as technology drives progress in contract automation, and those who ride the wave lead the pack in legal contract innovation. Do you want to tail behind your competitors in the realm of legal contracts? If not, then it’s time to use AI marketing tools!

With the right marketing strategies, your business can grow successfully. And also, getting a great business ideas is also crucial in the digital age. Dropshipping grows rapidly in the past few years and it will gain popularity in the future. So if you are troubled with  finding an impressive idea for your online business in 2023, you can try dropshipping with DSers.