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7 Tips for Hiring the Best Developers for Your Startup

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Developers are the backbone of every successful startup. No matter which industry you are in, healthcare, manufacturing, or retail, you will need developers to take your business online and run it successfully. 

Depending on your requirements, you will need developers of different levels. Here’s something to make things easier for you –

Once you’ve read it, here are some more tips to help you hire the best developer for your business. 

1 – Know What You’re Looking For

Before you move ahead with hiring developers, you need to understand who you need. The more specific you are, the better candidates you will get.

This means, you need to determine whether you need Java developers, website developers, or anything else. 

The next step is to create an effective job description. Make sure to highlight the key skills you’re looking for, their experience, and the expected salary range. 

It is also worth mentioning that you need to prioritize soft skills. They help ensure the developer can work efficiently in a team, can communicate, and manage time properly.

Mentioning salary range is crucial because this will help attract people who are more likely to accept the offer. 

2- Know Where to Look

Now that you have defined your needs, it’s time to find the candidate in the right place. You will need to identify both passive and active job seekers. 

Passive job seekers are those who are not actively looking for a job but would jump on the right opportunity. 

Active job seekers are those who are actively searching for a job.

Depending on whether you want to leverage paid services or not, you can look for developers on:

  • LinkedIn: It is the leading B2B social site that most professionals use.  
  • Job Portals: There are various job portals that you can use, such as Indeed to find potential candidates.
  • Glassdoor: Create a company profile in Glassdoor and fine-tune your hiring strategy. 

3- Go Beyond Resume and Qualifications

Skills and qualifications look good in paper. But, you need to test them with real-life scenarios to determine whether they’re the right choice for your startup. 

It is also worth mentioning that a growing number of software developers are self-taught. Therefore, solely depending on educational qualifications is not a wise idea. Make sure to take the candidates through a coding test to ensure they can be worthy for your business. 

4- Get a Technical Person to the Interview

If you are not a technical person, it is crucial to get someone with technical knowledge to the interview. This will help you better gauge the candidate’s skillset and experience. 

This will also help you prevent issues in the long run. Also, this is an effective way to ask counter questions to the candidates and close them quickly.  

5- Focus on the Company Culture

It is crucial to determine whether the potential candidate is a good fit for your company culture. Find people that share the same vision as you to ensure they stay with you for a long time. This will also help in better team integration and sustainable growth. You can ask non-technical questions to understand their thinking and long-term goals. 

6- Set Expectations Before Sending Out the Offer Letter

If you and the candidate are not on the same page, you will likely face issues in the long run. Therefore, it is crucial to be upfront about everything, including the salary. Make sure that to come at a mutual agreement about the salary. Similarly, determine whether flexible timings is something you both can work on. All these things need to be established before sending the letter. 

7- Don’t Focus on Lack of Experience

While experience is crucial, there are people who are highly skilled but lack experience. If you feel the candidate has the necessary skills, it’s time to give them a chance. There are many instances where startups have benefitted significantly from people who have little to no experience. 


Looking for the right developer for your startup? Make sure to follow all the tips mentioned in this article to get the most out of your efforts.