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8 Apps That Changed Our Lives In 2021

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Smartphone apps tell us a lot about the current state of the world. The growing shift towards video meetings and entertainment apps, among others, demonstrates how our lives and our lifestyles are changing. The mobile app development industry is scaling at such a fast pace that it is expected to reach $808 billion by the year 2022. It’s clear that mobile apps are in high demand with game changing potential.

If you are a tech enthusiast, learning about the latest trends in mobile apps will definitely intrigue you. After all, studying these trends might help you come up with a ground-breaking idea to for a new project.

So, let’s take a look at the apps that ruled 2021, and give us some insight into what we may see in the future!

1. Instagram

Instagram is an essential item for any list of life-changing apps. The photo-sharing platform now has nearly 1400 million active users. With the raging popularity of Instagram photos and videos, the platform has become a leading tool for influencers and digital marketers, not to mention a daily part of our lives for many of us.

How did it change our lives?

Instagram has become a critical part of our entertainment, social connections, and  businesses’ digital marketing. During this challenging year, it provided us with a daily dose of motivation, information, and of course, entertainment.

2. Slack

Let’s talk business. Since the world shifted to the ‘work-from-home’ model, the need for  collaboration apps has exploded. With features like team communication, collaboration, and integration, Slack has become one of our go-to apps in 2021.

How did it change our lives?

Slack has been instrumental in helping workers manage their workflow and communicate with their colleagues and supervisors, making work easier for remote employees across the world.

3. Amazon

E-commerce stores and business EPOS systems have revolutionized the way we shop. Similarly, Amazon has become an essential platform for consumers and vendors alike. With an easy-to-use app, Amazon is undoubtedly the world’s online marketplace right now.

How did it change our lives?

This vast, efficient app has made shopping easier than ever for consumers reluctant to leave their homes during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, has given distributors a platform to sell their products nationally and even globally.

4. Zoom

Zoom’s customer base increased at the staggering rate of over 350% from 2019 to 2020, and experts say it’s only set to grow more in the years to come. So there’s doubt that Zoom was one of our most popular apps in 2021. After all, video meetings are the new norm for corporate culture.

How did it change our lives?

Zoom has changed our professional and personal lives through its easy video conferencing, call recording, and screen sharing features.

5. Duolingo

With more than 7.3 million users, Duolingo is the world’s leading language-learning app, making the learning experience exciting through fun games and quizzes. What’s more, Duolingo offers users nearly 100 languages.

How did it change our lives?

Duolingo was made learning a new language easy, fun, and affordable, changing our lives through educational empowerment.

6. Netflix

In the 21st century, content is king and the popularity of apps like Netflix reinforce this. With many people working from home, finding new forms of entertainment became vital in 2021. Luckily, Netflix provided high-value content including series, movies, and shows to entertain, inform, and satisfy audiences.

How did it change our lives?

Netflix provided family-friendly entertainment that united families and kept us all sane throughout the year with an enticing variety of content.

7. Microsoft Teams

MS Teams is similar to Slack, plus lucrative benefits including integration with Office 365 tools, unlimited message history limit, and screen sharing in the free version.  Many organizations shifted to MS Teams in 2021 to enjoy better integration as well as MS Office support, not to mention the app’s easy-to-use interface.

How did it change our lives?

With a free version offering many valuable features that are limited to paid subscriptions in similar platforms, MS Teams has revolutionized work, especially for small businesses.

8. WhatsApp

WhatsApp was already an essential communications tool for many, but in 2021 it truly revolutionized our lives when it added payment options. This meant that we now had an app that takes care of all our messaging, file sharing, and payment needs on a single platform. It’s ease of messaging, file transfer, status messages, and Business replies makes WhatsApp an essential modern app.

How did it change our lives?

WhatsApp provides a quick and easy interface to communicate with our loved ones, and for businesses to communicate with their customers. Additionally, payment options now make easy to transfer money instantly.

In addition to the above-mentioned apps, Ubereats, LastPass, Bumble, and Pocket are other notable mentions when it comes to apps that have changed the way we live our lives in 2021. In all cases, these apps are making it easier, safer, and more convenient to work, shop, order food, and more!