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8 Tips To Become A Better Business Manager

If companies are cruise ships, then managers are their captains. Can a vessel stay afloat if its captain has underperformed? You might’ve heard that only 10% of startups are successful, and others collapse after the first year of their establishment. Have you ever wondered what causes business failure? Studies have shown that 90% of business failures are caused by management making wrong decisions. So, you need to become a better manager to maintain the workforce’s productivity. A “bad boss” may cause the downfall of an organization. In contrast, a “good boss” keeps everyone working to achieve a shared goal. Let’s discuss some strategies for you to become a better business manager in the 21st century.

The subtle art of being a better manager

A company can’t function properly unless its employees are motivated to do their jobs. Sadly, some 67% of your average workers are disengaged at the workplace (Gallup declares). But why are they not taking any interest in their work? It’s the manager’s responsibility to discover the reasons behind a disengaged workforce. A manager must become an effective leader who motivates their underlings to surpass their former selves. Ineffective managers cause a lack of productivity in a company, thereby hurting the manager’s future in that organization. It seems like the most crucial reason for managers to hone their managerial skills, doesn’t it? So, here are some steps you may take to become a better manager:

  • Enhance your learning

Education helps you be eligible for different employment positions. It also makes you good at managing people as well. Some ask why an MBA should be pursued to become a better manager. A degree in business administration enhances your leadership capabilities. You learn how to network with people and motivate them to improve themselves. It also helps you strengthen your managerial expertise. That’s why advanced business education for managers has become necessary today. Pursue an MBA so you may learn how to lead your staff.

  • Read the signs

How do you know you’re a difficult manager to work with? It’s not hard to consider yourself from a worker’s perspective to find what you’re doing wrong. If you’re ignoring workplace conflicts or leaving people out of the dialogue, you’re a hopeless leader. If you’re not giving them any feedback, you’re managing them wrong. Also, micromanaging your employees can be a red flag of ineffective management. So, compare yourself to Michael Scott from The Office, won’t you!

  • Communicate effectively

Communication makes an effective manager. Unfortunately, almost 70% of American managers are reluctant to communicate with their employees. We suggest holding regular meetings where people can discuss their concerns and proposals without any fear. Without speaking with them, you cannot manage them properly. Don’t hesitate to befriend your employees. The urban legend of “bosses can never become friends” has become obsolete now. So, learn to communicate with your juniors.

  • Show some flexibility

We strongly advise against micromanaging your subordinates as if every aspect of their work should be modified. Remain flexible and allow employees some autonomy. Give them more space to work in silence if they prefer. Flexibility produces happiness, thereby breeding satisfied employees. And satisfaction creates an engaged workforce. Difficult managers often reverse people’s productivity if they keep them on a leash. An effective manager always permits some room for flexibility at work.

  • Appreciate achievements

Remember to acknowledge and appreciate your employees when they’ve achieved an objective. It will make them feel valued by their manager and motivated to work harder. A study shows that 90% of employees are ready to stick with an employer who appreciates their work. On Reddit, former workers share stories of working diligently for the company, only for the manager to ask for more. So, you can’t become a better manager unless you start recognizing and applauding people.

  • Keep yourself updated

Effective managers must receive regular updates on everyone’s performance. They should share this information with other employees and the company’s stakeholders to keep them updated regarding the workforce’s progress. Constant updates allow everyone to evaluate the results of your team’s endeavors. Remain honest with the progress. Transparency is the sign of an effective manager in the business industry.

  • Motivate your workers

How to motivate yourself to start a business? You must have realized that an effective manager should also serve as a motivator in the company. Studies show that 70% of your worker’s motivation comes from the manager. It means leaders play a vital role in producing “actively engaged” employees. You must decipher what encourages an employee to become more productive. Unlock your workforce’s potential by recognizing the efforts of your team. That’s the key for you to improve as a manager and influence everyone’s efficiency.

  • Learn to delegate

Make your workers feel trusted by delegating tasks to them. It empowers them to become independent while preparing them to serve as future leaders in the company. When leaders refuse to delegate, they demotivate the workforce. So, trust your workers with responsibilities. It serves as a part of their training and makes you contribute to their mentorship. It fosters a sense of ownership among employees, thereby making them reciprocate this trust. So, delegate properly.


Did you believe that an evil boss doesn’t affect the productivity of an employee? Well, think again! Some studies show that almost 50% of professionals quit their jobs to escape difficult managers. So, how can you become a better business manager? We suggested some methods to hone your managerial skills. It may help you to communicate effectively with your employees. Listen to what they have to say and give positive feedback. Motivate them by presenting yourself as a leader. Appreciate someone who deserves to be applauded and make your criticism constructive, not disrespectful. These techniques will help you bolster your leadership capabilities while making you better at business management.