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9 Things to Know for First Time Wearers of Hearing Aids

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Hearing aids are helpful little devices that improve the symptoms of hearing loss. When you first begin wearing them, things may feel a little strange, but this guide is here to tell you not to worry. An adjustment period is perfectly natural, and there will be a few things that you must get used to as you get to know your new devices. 

What They Do

Hearing aids, like the ones shown here:, are designed to be small and non-invasive. Their primary purpose is to enhance hearing, and this is done through a combination of microphone and amplification techniques. First, a sound is picked up by the tiny microphone and it is then amplified into the speaker where it is received in the ear. It really is that simple, but there are lots of styles and varieties to pick from.

The First Appointment

If you have taken the leap and booked an appointment, that’s great news for your ears. This is a brave step to take, and it won’t go unnoticed as soon as you feel the positive aftereffects. The first appointment, however, is going to be a long one! It is good to mentally prepare for what’s to come because not only will there be a lot of information to take on board, but your brain will have to think about specific answers to essential health questions too. Your audiologist will be thorough in their approach to finding you the best care solution, and this means taking their time and really getting to know your ear health profile. Expect to attend for at least an hour, but this can be longer in some cases. Need to schedule a consultation with an audiologist in Fort Wayne, IN? Contact HearCare Audiology to book an appointment!

They Are Hard to See

You will be hyper aware of the fact that you are wearing hearing aids, especially for the first few times that you put them on. This will be an alien feeling, and it may be entirely uncomfortable in the beginning. The good news is, just like anything new, your brain and body will adapt if you give them time to get used to the way things are going to be from now on. It is worth remembering that hearing aids are really hard to spot for anyone who isn’t you, and this should offer some comfort if you have a fear of being perceived. 

The World Will Sound Strange

This is never more relevant than for those people who opt for hearing aids after an intense period of hearing loss. The world is going to sound strange, and it will take some getting used to! Things will even feel a bit too loud for your liking, but don’t fret. You can adjust the hearing aid devices, and your audiologist team will always be available to answer questions and look after you. 

Your Own Voice Could Be a Surprise

It is not uncommon for people to begin wearing hearing aids and wonder, ‘Do I really sound like that?!’. Well, the fact is that you probably do, and you have actually been mishearing your own voice for quite a while. Everyone hears themselves slightly different to the way that other people do, and this is just how ears work. However, when you start wearing aids, your voice may appear to change even more. You may have become accustomed to speaking louder, which can be a big shock once your ears have adjusted, and it can take some figuring out until you find a rhythm that you’re comfortable with. 

After Care is Essential

There will be quite a few follow-up appointments, and it is in your best interests to attend them! There may be settings to adjust, or you could be experiencing problems, and your care team will want to be actively involved in looking out for you once you are all set up and actively wearing the devices. It’s just a part of the deal, and it is absolutely there to be embraced. 

There Will Be an Immediate Change

These are not devices that take their time to settle in. Your hearing will be improved immediately, as soon as you switch them on and start wearing them properly. This means the changes you feel will happen all at once and very quickly so anticipate some form of overwhelm as you move through the period of adjustment. It is completely expected that you feel out of place, but this will pass. 

Your Happiness Will Come Flooding Back

Not being able to hear is hard. It is one of the leading causes of mental health amongst seniors in particular, but anyone can struggle with depression and anxiety about ears that don’t work in the right way. What you will find is that as soon as your hearing aids click into action, your happiness will come flooding back too. This is often situational depression and anxiety because of a specific condition and is tied so closely with your hearing loss that it makes perfect sense it should start to fizzle away when the problem is resolved. You are doing wonders for your mind just by wearing these devices, and you will be able to feel it deep down to your core. 

People Will Notice Your Newfound Confidence

You may get a lot of smiles and comments from friends, family members, and even strangers about how confident you seem in your new life. This is great because it will help you continue to build that all-important self-confidence and learn to love your hearing aids even more. Compliments are always nice, after all, especially if they match up with how you are feeling inside! Better hearing equals bigger smiles and once you engage with a health problem and find a great solution, there is no better reason to smile. It won’t take long at all, so just sit back and wait for the positivity to come your way. 

Hearing aids are there for a very specific purpose. Anyone who is experiencing auditory dysfunction should book an appointment with a professional audiology clinic as soon as possible. Delaying will only make the problem worse because hearing loss very rarely goes away by itself.