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9 Tips For a Successful Kids Party at Home

Below are some tips that will help you with your party at home.

1. Try not inviting too many children
You might be tempted to invite many children, but it is not a good idea to do this. When kids are around this age, they are past all-inclusive parties. There is a good chance they have already started to form firm friends, and they will be happy as long as those friends are present. They will not worry about upsetting classmates they rarely talk to, and their parents are not likely to notice it. A good way of coming up with the number of invites is the age of your child.

2. The invitations
You should be considerate when it comes to invitations. You never invite one friend to dinner while another friend listens. This is the same case with your child. There is nothing more heartbreaking than feeling excluded, which is why you need to find the right time to give out invitations. The best option is to give them the invitations away from school. Emailing or texting parents is a great option, and you will also get a quick response. Another option is setting up a closed Facebook event, where parents can reply. This can give other parents a push.

You should have a chat with your kid beforehand to know what type of party they like and if they are okay with a party at home. Do not do this long before the party because the kid might grow out of the idea before the day of the party. Two months is enough time to prepare a great party (there is no need for booking a venue). Are they okay with party games? What are their favorite games? Ask them to make you a list. You should also find out whether they want a theme party.

What are they interested in doing between the games? Will they use their creativity to make something their friends can take home? You can find a lot of ideas online – Pinterest is a good place to start. Hobby shops sell kits and materials you are going to need. You can use the kitchen table if it is only a few children. It is best to stay away from glitter unless you don’t mind cleaning it up. Cooking or making something edible is a great idea because they make their own treat. There is a wide range of options when it comes to kits you can buy, from making perfect pizzas to chocolate lollies. Look for a good recipe, print, then laminate it so the children can follow it when cooking. They are going to measure their own ingredients.

Is it possible to hook the party onto an event like Halloween, Easter, or Christmas? Is it possible to plan a hike and add a treasure hunt to it? There is nothing kids love more than water, which is why they will be more than happy to play water games. Get buckets of water and water pistols, and you will see how happy they will be. You need to be prepared for tears, slips, and mucky floors, but it is going to be worth it. Keep in mind that kids like time for ‘free play’ and can easily entertain themselves, but it is a good idea to have something as a backup in case they get bored or things get out of hand.

Is it possible to have a tea party outdoors, or to have a campout? Is there something the children can bring along that is going to fit with the theme of the party? Are the children okay with coming in fancy dressing? There is a wide range of options when it comes to a children’s party, and it will be up to you to look at the interest of your children and come up with something good.

4. Keeping it short
You should pay close attention to the time the party is going to take. It is okay for the party to be 2 hours long. You might be tempted to make it longer, do not fold. There is nothing you can expect to get by making it longer. Leave them wanting more.

5. Getting someone to take care of pets for a couple of hours
Pets can be frightened by sudden movements and noise: it is not a good idea to put them together with the children. It will not be enough to lock your pet in the room – children will be curious to see and open the door. The best thing to do is keeping kids and pets as far apart as possible.

6. Having fun with the decoration
This doesn’t mean going overboard. Keep in mind the party is for your child and not your Instagram. It is a must to have balloons, banners, wall decorations and even linen and tablecloths whether you like them or not. The hardest part of the party is going to be the first 10 minutes because you are going to greet parents and telling them when the party is going to end. Some kids will be over-excited, and some will be shy. You should try having something that the kids can do without supervision. It could be a game, setting something to set out for later, or preparing the party table. Just try looking for something inclusive and fun.

7. Keeping the food simple
If you are going to have lunch at the party, stick to crisps, sandwiches or wraps, fruit, and bought in cakes. If the party is during the evening, then a great option is pizza or a pasta is important to ask the parents of the kids attending whether their kids are allergic to any foods or have food phobias. Have about 20 minutes for eating, with younger children needing even less time because they don’t concentrate on one thing for long.

8. Party bags
Keep them simple. The favorite part of a party bag is the sweets (a good tip is using rainbow rice sweets to fill the party bags). A small toy or two, a balloon, a small book, or even a puzzle you found online and printed. For fun light up toys order now. It is also a good idea to have a piece of cake inside the party bag because the parents are most likely going to taste it. Cut the pieces into squares and wrap them in a serviette. An alternative to a cake is putting in cupcakes.

9. Opening presents
If you want your kid to open presents at the party, keep in mind that it can take a lot of time. You can expect the kid to spend a lot of time opening the presents. If there are too many presents, other kids might start getting bored. They might be interested in playing with the presents your child has gotten. It is a good idea to have a pen and paper so you can note down the presents and the people who gave them. This is going to make things easier for you.