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9 Ways Utilizing Technology Can Lead To Security Issues

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The progress of modern technology isn’t unaccompanied by several side effects. With the evolution of technology, its disadvantages materialize as well. From malware and phishing to cyberbullying and deep fake, it’s becoming more difficult to combat these threats. But just as technology creates these security issues, it also enables us to counter them with cybersecurity. The numerous technological advancements that started in the 20th century help us identify and thwart cybercrimes before they’ve even initiated. This fast-paced digital world has become more dependant on IT than ever, so cybersecurity measures are a must for all modern-day organizations. They need to understand the threats companies may encounter online.

Security issues caused by our tech-reliance

Observations prove that technology and cyber-threats are directly proportional to each other. Companies are dependant on advanced science since nobody can survive this competitive age of marketing without adopting certain tech norms. But incorporating technology into your organization’s daily functioning will also send an unwanted invitation to cybercriminals. No wonder IBM’s President called cybercrimes “the greatest threat” all industries face today as all companies share a fear of hackers and data breaches.  This is why it’s so important to have robust security features enabled, like bitlocker management and encryption security.

The ex-CEO of Cisco rightfully categorized companies into two factions. One group knows they’ve been hacked, while the second one hasn’t figured it out yet. But the emergence of hackers also led to the creation of cybersecurity experts. These experts pursue an online masters cybersecurity degree to seek excellence in identifying and preventing hackers and cyber attacks. They ensure that companies are always prepared against the cyber criminals’ next move with their analytical skills. And this move can involve any of these:

1) Emotet:-

Spreading mainly through emails, this banking Trojan-turned-Dropper accesses your device to spy on your activities. It’s capable of fooling antivirus programs and can infiltrate the entire network if one computer gets compromised. It’s been a nightmare for online banking users since 2014.

2) SQL injection:-

Programmers use SQL to create databases. A decade-old hacking tactic, this malicious code is “injected” via webpage input to penetrate your database. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in your SQL code to get access to your information (such as names/passwords stored in that database).

3) Man in the Middle:-

This attack takes place when a hacker intercepts a transaction between two entities. This barging in instances involves criminals interrupting data transfer while pretending to be both entities. They insert themselves “in the middle” of the conversation to install malware or steal information.

4) Outsourcing IT:-

Companies have now begun relying on cloud-based technologies, while others prefer outsourcing IT services. But if your internet services provider has weak security measures, your data becomes easily susceptible to loss/theft. Your information will also be compromised if you hire technicians with insufficient training. An untrained local staff will also render your security vulnerable. So, it would help if you were careful when trusting freelancers or even your employees with too much authority.

5) Pop-ups:-

Everyone knows about pop-ups as they’re considered to be annoying. But, contrary to what you may think, pop-ups aren’t dead. They have an average conversion rate of 3.09% that sometimes reaches almost 10% among top-performing ones. Most of them are also harmful though some can download malicious software into your computer. People have encountered pop-ups asking them for personal data or credit card info once clicked. So, it would help if you exerted caution when surfing the internet.

6) Botnet:-

Spammers used botnets to collect people’s credentials (usernames/passcodes) for fraud in the past. But now they’ve become greedier than before and may gather your private information as well. We use “botnet” to refer to web-connected devices for creating a “robot network.” They’re further used to perform DDoS attacks on those devices (e.g., computers). Then hackers may sell this information on the Dark Web or misuse these credentials for something criminal, risking the owner’s credibility.

7) Pretexting:-

As the name indicates, “pretexting” refers to hackers coming up with a pretext – a story – to fool someone. For instance, some cyber-criminals pretend to be a company’s CEO and convinces workers to reveal some information. Like phishing, it’s also an example of social engineering. In typical cases and scenarios, the fraudster will collect small bits of information before raising some red flags over time. So, it’s crucial to identify and ensure that you’re communicating with the right company personnel.

8) Malvertising:-

As malware means “malicious software,” malvertising is a portmanteau for “malicious advertising.” It uses ads to install malware into your computer. A hacker will insert malicious code into online ads that’ll redirect the user to a malicious website. This tactic leads to a virus infiltrating the computer you’re using and tracking your keystrokes to detect your passwords. A typical example of malvertising includes a message that tells you that your PC is infected and needs scanning now.

9) Social media-based attacks:-

Social media isn’t unfamiliar with scammers, alluring people to open explicit links and making them reveal their private information. Many hackers have made Facebook and Instagram their favorite channels to hack into people’s accounts or impersonate them. Phishing attacks also utilize similar tactics where a hacker pretends to be someone you know to access your data. We also have examples of social media contributing to the spread of fake news. Now, scammers have found a new way to defraud people. They imitate a legitimate business, offer a reward for your data, and ask respondents to share this link with their contacts. Therefore, be extra cautious while relying on the internet world. 


According to estimates, the international cybercrime prevention expenditures will exceed $10 trillion by 2025 when they amounted to a mere $3 trillion in 2015. But these ancient estimations are sure to swell even more since the coronavirus pandemic brought a 400% increase in digital crimes. Globally, organizations are facing an unprecedented threat from criminals online. As the more advanced we become, the more sophisticated hackers get. The cyber-threat environment in the 21st century has made companies highly suspicious about their cybersecurity. Hence, they wish to hire experts who can create fool-proof digital strategies to prevent hackers from infiltrating, ensuring their data is secure.