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Puppy Teething: Everything You Need to Know

© by Puppy Teething

If you’re the proud parent of a new puppy, then you’re probably wondering what to expect during teething. Puppies start teething at around 3-4 months old, and the process can last until they are about six months old.

In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about puppy teething! We’ll talk about how to make your puppy’s experience as comfortable as possible, and we’ll also provide some tips for dealing with potential problems. So read on to learn all you need to know about puppy teething!

Know The Basics:

Teething is a natural process that all puppies go through. During teething, your puppy’s gums will become sore and swollen as their baby teeth start to erupt. Puppies usually experience the most discomfort during teething when they are between four and six months old. However, some puppies may start teething earlier or later than this.

How to Make The Experience Comfortable for Them

There are a few things you can do to make your puppy teething experience as comfortable as possible.

One of the most important is to provide plenty of chew toys. Puppies will instinctively want to chew on something when their gums are sore, so providing them with lots of appropriate chewing toys will help keep them from chewing on your furniture or other household items. 

It’s also important to make sure that your puppy has access to plenty of freshwaters, as teething can cause puppies to drink more than usual.

If you’re concerned about your puppy’s teething, or if they seem to be in a lot of discomforts, it’s always a good idea to talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to give you specific advice on how to help your puppy through this tough time.

Puppy teething doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With a little preparation, you can help your puppy through it with ease!

Puppy teething can be a difficult time for both puppies and their owners. Not only is your little one going through a lot of pain, but they may also be extra grumpy and restless. This can be tough on both of you! We will give you some tips on how to make puppies happy during their teething phase. We’ll also cover what you can do to help alleviate some of the pain they are experiencing. 


One of the best things you can do for your puppy during this time is to give them plenty of chew toys. Not only will this help keep them occupied and distracted from their teething pain, but it will also help keep their teeth clean and healthy. Be sure to choose to chew toys that are made specifically for puppies, as they will be soft and gentle on their gums.

You can also help make puppies happy by providing them with plenty of love and cuddles. This will comfort them and make them feel loved, which is especially important during times of stress.

Finally, be sure to keep an eye on your puppy’s diet during this time. Puppies need a balanced diet to stay healthy, and this is especially important when they are teething. Be sure to speak with your veterinarian about what type of food is best for puppies during this time.

Puppies are a joy to have in any home, but the teething process can be difficult for both the puppies and their owners. Fortunately, there are many veteran tips for teething puppies that can make this transition smoother for everyone involved. Let us know some of the best tips to help your puppy through this challenging time!

Veteran Tips:

One of the most important things to remember when your puppy is teething is to keep them well-hydrated. You can also give them ice cubes or frozen Kongs stuffed with wet food to help soothe their gums.

Another important tip is to puppy-proof your home as much as possible. It’s important to remove any items from your home that could be harmful to them. This includes things like electrical cords, shoes, and small objects that they could easily choke on.


If your puppy is going through the teething process, be patient and understand that they may be a little extra clingy or irritable during this time. Be sure to give them lots of love and attention, as well as chew toys to help with the discomfort. With a little time and patience, your furry friend will be back to its normal self in no time!