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Why Are Artificial Diamonds Popular in Social Media Today

There has always been a high demand for diamonds. Their elegance and simplicity impress every individual. That is why everyone prefers to get a diamond pendant or a 3-carat diamond ring rather than any other item. People opt to purchase more diamonds because they are a worthwhile investment.

However, natural diamonds are not the only option you have. You can now get lab-grown diamonds that are equally beautiful as natural diamonds. Many people have shown interest in artificial diamonds, and with each passing day, the number increases. You will even see a great number of people promoting lab-created diamonds on social media. The popularity of man-made diamonds has increased, and there are several reasons behind it.

Why Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Popular?

Getting lab-created diamond rings or wedding rings has become a common practice amongst the masses. From a diamond bracelet to diamond stud earrings, you can find various items made with lab-created diamonds. More people choose this option because it is:

1. Purer and Has Better Quality

When one compares natural diamonds with artificial ones, you will notice that lab-grown diamonds are purer. The naturally mined stones have dirt and impurities. They are called dirt diamonds in multiple places.

A natural diamond undergoes several processes. It gets blasted out of the ground. Moreover, they might have defects because they are extracted using various tools and machinery. In comparison to natural diamonds, artificial diamonds have fewer defects.  

Since artificial diamonds are produced in perfectly controlled conditions, they are shinier and have better quality. There is no compromise on purity when it comes to a naturally found diamond. If you plan to gift lab-grown diamond engagement rings or studs to your dear ones, go for it. Anyone getting these diamonds will fall in love with them. 

2. Affordable for Everyone

Natural diamonds are very rare. You won’t find them in abundance. Upon that, a lot of hard work goes into the extraction process. That is why they are expensive. In comparison to original diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are readily available. They can be easily grown, so they are not very expensive. In fact, you get these for one-fourth of the cost of naturally occurring diamonds.

Furthermore, a lower price doesn’t mean lower quality. There is no compromise on color and quality. Here’s the deal, lab-grown diamonds have the same color and shine as natural colored diamonds. Some people even say engagement rings and wedding rings made from artificial diamonds look prettier than any other stone.

So you can find a great piece of jewelry without exceeding your budget. You might not be able to purchase a large naturally produced diamond, but you can easily buy a prominent lab-grown solitaire with the same money. The bottom line is that it’s bigger and better.

After all, who cares whether it’s a lab-grown diamond or a natural one? At least it’s big and shiny.

3. Guaranteed Origins

Naturally found diamonds have a long journey. They are found in different lands and go through various hands. Most of the time, you can’t identify the origin of a naturally occurring diamond. That is why several people want to buy lab-grown diamonds.

If you fear buying blood diamonds, these diamonds produced in a lab are ideal for you. Instead of confusing yourself over diamonds coming from various conflicted regions, you can choose a safer option.

Nowadays, people are more aware of their surroundings and care for human rights. Lab cultivated diamonds have no history of child labor or human rights violation. Therefore, you do not need to feel guilty when buying these magnificent pieces.

4. Environment Friendly

We all need to protect our environment. Sadly naturally occurring diamonds don’t support our surroundings. Diamond extraction involves lengthy mining processes. From exploration to digging, crushing, and grinding, there are several steps involved in the process. Each one causes significant harm to the natural structure of the Earth.

Moreover, mining requires heavy machinery that runs on fossil fuels. These pollute the air we breathe in and result in the depletion of natural resources. On the other hand, synthetic diamonds have no negative impact on the environment. They are sustainable and safe. Manufacturers even use the term environment-friendly to sell their stock.

Think about it, would you want to wear a diamond tennis bracelet that added to air pollution? Of course not, and that makes these synthetic diamonds so popular. You can buy them in bulk because they will cost you less, and you wouldn’t have indirectly harmed anyone. We all have a role in saving the planet, and by choosing artificial diamonds, we do something good for mother earth.

5. Investing in a Better Future

Having a diamond is priceless. They look good on everything and can be worn anywhere. However, buying lab-grown diamonds doesn’t only provide beauty but has a greater purpose. If you opt for artificial diamonds, you invest in future research and development.

Giving significance to research provides better chances of economic growth for a country. We all like to have the latest technology and tools. With more demand for synthetic diamonds, the need for producing a larger quantity of goods increases. For this purpose, manufacturers use a generous portion of their sales for research and development. They try to produce much better quality goods in less time.


Diamonds have always been everyone’s favorite, but these days, synthetic diamonds are above all. More people opt for naturally occurring diamonds because they are:

  • Shinier
  • Bigger
  • Safer to use

Natural diamonds might not be your favorite, and there is nothing wrong with it. There are many problems associated with them. Amongst all issues, the most prominent is that natural diamonds are limited. Even the largest mine in the world can’t produce diamonds forever.

Thus, we need to shift to another option in the long run. Lab-grown diamonds can be produced in any better quantity, and they won’t cause any distress to you or your environment. You will see several people promoting artificial diamonds on social media platforms because they are worth your money and time.