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5 Signs That Tell You It’s Time to Switch Your LMS

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Is your current Learning Management System (LMS) performing to the best of your expectations? An effective LMS is crucial for supporting learning and development initiatives for your organization.

It provides a centralized platform for delivering and managing educational content, which makes it easy to track progress, assess performance, and scale your learning initiatives. However, as technology evolves and training needs change, evaluating whether your current LMS is still meeting your organization’s requirements is essential.

                                                        If you notice that your LMS lacks some vital best-in-class features or is eating into your budget, this may be a sign that it is time to retire your old LMS and embrace the best learning management system available in the market today. In this blog, we will go over these tell-tale signs that it is time to upgrade.

What Should Your LMS Provide?

When choosing an LMS, most organizations have specific learning and development (L&D) goals that help them decide to invest in an LMS system. If you already have an LMS in your organization, some of the top goals for selecting it could have been:

  • Ease of content creation and updation.
  • Efficiency in tracking learners’ progress and completion rates.
  • The wide range of content available can include quizzes, videos, exams, automated grading, personalized learning, and more.
  • Mobile and multi-device support, ensuring that your content can be consumed at any time, from anywhere.
  • Comprehensive insights into course completion rates, assessments, gaps, and more.
  • Availability of a platform to support peer-to-peer discussion, forums, and chat functionalities.

If your LMS lacks one of these functionalities, it could potentially hold you back or even create issues with your L&D programs. 

5 Signs That Tell You It’s Time to Switch Your LMS

Now that we know why organizations choose an LMS, it is clear why there would be a reason for upgrading or switching your existing CMS. About 23% of companies have been using the same LMS for 5 years or more, and 44% are unsatisfied with the current LMS systems.

So still unsure if it is time to change your LMS? Here are 5 major signs that your current LMS may be nearing the end.

1. It Is Eating Into Your Budget

The biggest sign that you need to switch your LMS is if your current LMS system is putting a strain on your budget.

If you find rising costs, hidden charges, or a lack of value for the features, it is a sign that you may want to consider switching. The best learning management system helps you get the value you need without eating up your budget.

2. Lacks Data Insights & Reporting

The second sign is a lack of clarity in your reporting or user data. One of the biggest reasons to choose an LMS is to use data analytics to understand your learners better and clearly understand their progress, challenges, and other data-driven insights.

If this reporting capability of your current LMS is not something you can use for your organizational analysis, it may be a sign you should consider another option.

It would be best to look into an LMS that allows you to create customizable reports and export the data into your existing systems for further analysis. This will help you factor your LMS insights into your organizational strategy, which is crucial for improving learning experiences and meeting business objectives.

3. Doesn’t Integrate With Your Existing Systems

Touching upon the previous point, seamless integration with your existing systems is crucial, for it can help multiple teams leverage your LMS data for gaining insights. This could be integration with content authoring tools and HR software, ensuring efficient workflow and data exchange.

If the current LMS does not provide this functionality, it can lead to massive dependence on manual processes, which are cumbersome and can hinder your team’s productivity.

4. User Experience Is Problematic 

Since implementing LMS systems, organizations have recognized that user experience (UX) is crucial to making it easy for learners to engage and consume learning materials. If the LMS system cannot provide a modern user experience, chances are your learners will have difficulties doing even the simplest of tasks.

It may be time to upgrade if your current LMS is constrained regarding UX and user interface (UI). The best learning management system in the market comes with the best practices around UX and design, constantly evolving to keep up with learners’ expectations.

A clean and modern UI is also crucial since it helps learners navigate faster and ensures that the content can be easily consumed on mobiles, tablets, and other devices.

5. Complex for Both Learners & Admins

Finally, if your LMS is overly complicated, it can cause frustration to both learners and admins. If you are experiencing frequent complaints about course content, updation processes, or workflows, this is a sign that you may want to switch to a modern LMS.

Switching to an LMS that prioritizes ease of use, streamlined workflows, and provides adequate support can lead to improved user experiences and increased engagement.

Plus, with the ease of updating and modifying content workflows, your admins and content creation teams can work efficiently to ensure high productivity and optimized learning outcomes. 

Why You Should Choose Gyrus to Replace Your LMS

When it comes to the best learning management systems, the top 2 functions that determine the success of online courses are –

  1. The ease of creating and managing online courses
  2. The ability to track student progress and generate reports

With Gyrus, you can get a modern LMS that can unlock a world of possibilities for your L&D programs. With seamless integrations, advanced features, intuitive UI, robust analytics and reporting, and simplified workflows, your LMS systems can work to elevate learning experiences and promote user engagement.

Plus, with cost-effective plans, you don’t need to compromise on any essential functionalities, helping you get the best learning management system required for practical training.


An LMS is designed to meet the varied expectations of organizations, giving your learners and admins the ability to make updates or consume content easily. It should also easily integrate with your existing systems, providing crucial insights for organizational success.

If the current system has challenges or limitations, and it is taking a toll on your annual budget, it is a sign you need to migrate to a new one. Unfortunately, most businesses stick to their traditional or outdated LMS system mainly because shifting to a new platform requires insurmountable time and resources.

At Gyrus, we have designed an LMS platform that can match your dynamic needs and get periodic updates to ensure it is at pace with the latest educational standards. Plus, with our experts onboard, LMS migration can be done quickly and hassle-free. Contact us today for a free product demo.