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Project Management Tools And Software: A Comprehensive Guide

Almost everything we do is a project that ties a goal with it. A simple everyday project does not require proper project tools to map out its plan. We can utilize a regular to-do list to manage these projects. On the other hand, a complex project demands detailed planning and schedule to execute. The project management tools help break down massive projects into smaller, doable chunks in such situations.

What is a Project Management Tool?

The project management tools help project managers align different project goals with the scheduled timeline. In other words, project management tools are software that assist in centralizing plans, organizing, and managing projects. One such effective technique within the realm of project management is Planning Poker, also known as “Scrum Poker.” This consensus-based Agile planning and estimating approach proves invaluable in the assessment of product backlogs. It involves a collaborative effort to estimate the time and effort required for each initiative outlined in the backlog. Additionally, with planning poker slack integration, project teams can further enhance their ability to communicate efficiently. It enables teams to communicate effectively, diligently track problems, weigh potential risks, and remain updated. These are some crucial aspects of any project management strategy to complete projects on time and within the budget. 

For companies and businesses, project management software is essential because of many reasons to ensure productivity. Below are some of the features that are essential in a project management tool. 

  • Improved Efficiency: A good project management tool will assist your team in preventing roadblocks, automating boring tasks, and delivering the project faster than ever.
  • True Versatility: Every company is different and requires different software based on its demands. Before getting a project management tool, ensure that the tool is customized to your workspaces and can adapt your methods with a tailored solution. 
  • Good Speed Performance: There is no time for lags when a project is ongoing. The project management tool is a modern solution and should not have lagging or speed performance issues. Get software that loads fast, updates changes as soon as they happen, and secures the highest levels of uptime in the market.

Benefits of Using Project Management Software

You may find an extensive role that project management tool software can play in businesses. However, we have mentioned some of the most generic ones here. 

High-level Project Overview

With the assistance of project management software, you can assemble all the pieces of your project to work as a unit. This tool can be essential for companies with multiple departments that function together on the same project. It can help you manage the teams and make sure that everything is completed within the time constraints. Everyone on the team can sign in to their cloud-based project management platform and view the latest updates.

Task Management

Task management allows you to track, assign, and monitor tasks. With the help of this software, you can have a central platform to organize and prioritize work. Managing a project requires tracking the duties of everyone on the team. Furthermore, you also need to monitor the completed tasks. 

You can assign different tasks using a project management tool. When an individual or a team has completed that task, you will be notified as well. Some platforms also let you manage the deadlines and deliverables. 

Time Tracking

Automated time tracking is a significant feature of project management software. It plays a vital role, especially when you need to invoice your clients accurately. Softwares have billable and non-billable hours tracking options. Through this, you can log the hours you worked on each task. To develop a detailed report, combine these hours with the project and client data. It will help you to make critical decisions about rates and other considerations. 

Collaboration and Communication

Vicky Cano, Chef & Recipe developer at mealfan, said,  “Managing your team’s work and performance is nearly impossible without any tracking system. The system may include different features like chat, video meetings, and file sharing. It will allow teams to work collaborating with each other regardless of their location. With the help of the collaboration feature, you can communicate with your team and remain updated all the time. Furthermore, you can add different notes and messages in a single platform. So there is no need to email and use other tools. It will keep the team members focused on the project and prevent distractions, optimizing performance.”

Project Planning

Te Wu, CEO of PMO Advisory, said in an interview, “Business owners must have a long-term view of their projects. Your plan for the future demands proper equipment to avoid problems. The project management overviews can assist in developing workflows that are suitable for your business. If you have a plan and a solid system, your team can work collaboratively and stay focused. You can use project planning tools to effectively manage different projects simultaneously. These tools will provide you with task lists, budget tracking, and calendars. It will help the project managers to stay organized and on track with the project plan.” 

Resource Management

With resource management tools, project managers can manage and allocate resources. In this software, you are provided with task assignments, team directories, and time tracking. These tools ensure that the right people and resources are allocated to complete the project. Moreover, you also get access to data to improve resource allocation if there is any lacking. Using resource allocation, you can supervise the availability of team members and assess who can perform the new tasks.



Modern project management tools have powerful features. With the help of these features, you can access real-time data through auto-generated reports and dashboards. It is an easy report that is at your fingertips, keeping you informed. The leadership teams can also see how tasks and milestones influence team performance and project profitability. 

Better Budgeting

Oliver Miller, founder of BankStatementPDFConverter, said, “You should have a well-organized project and should be aware of your time investment. It will help you to evaluate your budget. Combine this information with your billing data and get an accurate estimate of the actual cost of each project. You can get this estimate calculation before you even start your project to get an idea. 

Budgeting will allow you to make an estimated project budget. You can track your expenses and make sure you do not overspend. Furthermore, you can also manage costs to remain within the planned budget. Monitor expenses and actual costs to invoice clients and pay your employees. Make a comparison of planned and actual costs to foresee your budget and analyze financial health.”

Best Project Management Tools Software

Some of the best project management tool software that businesses can use to monitor their tasks are discussed below.

  • Asana: It is one of the most famous project management software. It is a tool built for companies and businesses of all sizes. It provides file storage, dashboards, project roadmaps, and more with a good interface.
  • Monday: This project management tool provides various templates and tools. You can improve operations and lead your team to higher productivity levels using these features. 
  • Adobe Workfront: This tool has an extensive range of features. It has relatively expensive charges but is entirely worth it. It offers reporting functions, advanced dashboards, Gantt charts, and many other features.
  • Teamly: Specifically designed for remote team management, Teamly combines real-time chat, intuitive Kanban-style task management, screen capture tools, and comprehensive employee time tracking. This platform streamlines collaboration and productivity for remote work environments.


Project management is highly essential for companies and organizations to work smoothly. You require many aspects to organize your project to have a better overview of the performance and result. With project management tools, project managers can streamline the whole task process and assign team members in an effective manner. Furthermore, there is no restriction on location. It is so because these platforms provide online meetings and chat options. Organizations can also execute better strategies analyzing project performance with these tools.