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5 Ways Custom Healthcare Software Can Improve Patient Engagement

If you have ever visited a clinic then you must have experienced a recurring phenomenon where the physician explains to you about the disease or your condition, right?

Well, this is important to engage you in your healthcare journey. Typically, our bodies have the capability to heal themselves, but willpower often comes in handy when the condition is delicate. That is why doctors take special time to explain your condition and the course of action required for full recovery to you or your family. This is also done to help you know what you’re suffering through, as it is your right to know, and what could be done to help you overcome that.

In medical terms, this phenomenon is called patient engagement, where the patient is actively engaged in their healthcare journey. Despite being such an important part of the healthcare journey, traditional practices fail to keep the patients engaged in their healthcare journey.

However, as the digital transformation of the healthcare industry is on the rise with custom healthcare software development, healthcare professionals with healthcare IT companies have attempted to increase patient engagement. They have succeeded to an extent with exclusive features like a patient portal, telehealth, remote monitoring, etc.

Digital health platforms with patient engagement strategies have not only elevated the overall patient experience but also enabled healthcare providers to offer patient-centered care.

But how can custom healthcare software improve patient engagement?

Here are five ways in which custom healthcare software can contribute to improving patient engagement!

Personalized Patient Portals

Traditionally healthcare practices had face-to-face consultations where patients could directly consult with the doctors or physicians for anything. However, it seemed to be difficult in digital healthcare practices, but thanks to ‘patient portals’ it acted as a bridge between patients and providers.

These patient portals provided patients with direct access to their medical records, lab results and could easily schedule appointments, along with appointment rescheduling and cancellation. This not only provided healthcare providers with enough material to get an overview of their health but also added the factor of convenience while receiving care.

Apart from that, advanced custom healthcare software also provided personalized health tips with respect to the data stored in the custom software solutions. Along with that, custom appointment reminders, and alerts based on individual patient data which made it easy for healthcare providers to enhance their healthcare journey.

Also, if the patient wanted to talk to the physicians directly, then secure communication channels where also integrated to enable secure messaging between patients and providers. This enhanced the relationship between healthcare providers and patients and resulted in higher follow-up rates in patients.

Telehealth and Virtual Care Solutions

Another way in which healthcare IT companies were able to close the gap between care for healthcare providers and patients has been with telehealth integration. Telehealth capabilities of custom healthcare software made virtual consultations possible and the need for in-person visits were significantly reduced. This made accessing healthcare more easy and convenient for both patients and providers.

Taking it a step further, custom healthcare software also included remote monitoring tools, which enabled them to keep track of patients’ health conditions. Since it required patients to collect healthcare data with these RPM devices, it contributed to improving patient engagement and proactively engaging them in their healthcare journey.

Along with that, the feature of the educational library provided healthcare professionals with personalized material to educate patients about their condition. This was also enabled during telehealth visits to enhance the patient experience.

Mobile Health Applications

Another trend that has now picked up pace in the modern-day healthcare industry has been the development of mobile health applications, also known as mHealth Apps. Since almost 96% of the American population uses smartphones, it opened the door for on-the-go health management for both providers and patients.

For instance, the patients can seek advice from their physicians on their way to the office or the providers can manage their offer of remote monitoring services from anywhere and at any time with mHealth Apps.

To close the time of care delivery and proactively engage patients in their care, these applications also come with custom push notifications and reminders. These reminders are used for sending medication, appointment alerts and health tips directly to patients’ smartphones to keep them aware about their healthcare journey and keep them engaged.

Some of the studies also suggest that the use of mHealth apps have empowered patients to proactively engage in their health activity. Furthermore, it also presented an opportunity to enable interactive health tracking where the patients could track their health metrics and progress towards their health goals. This has led to many lifestyle changes and improved patient outcomes.

Enhanced Patient Education Tools

One of the major benefits of custom healthcare software for patient engagement is that it offers a plethora of opportunities to keep the patient engaged. Here are some of the tools that it offers to improve patient engagement:

  • Interactive Learning Modules: As the trend is becoming a norm, healthcare providers are creating interactive modules to educate patients about their conditions and treatment plans. Some of the advancements include gamification, quizzes, etc. This way, the patient is encouraged to proactively participate in the care journey and take effective measures to achieve their health goals.
  • Tailored Content Delivery: Another way healthcare IT and healthcare professionals engage their patients in their care journey is through personalized educational content delivery. For instance, the content can be tailored with respect to the patient’s demographics and health data, which makes it more relevant for the patients and empowers them to take proactive measures to make lifestyle changes, etc.
  • Gamification Elements: Healthcare IT experts and healthcare providers have recognized the gamification of healthcare education and other features in custom healthcare software to improve patient engagement. As explained earlier in the pointers above, gamification can make learning about health fun and more engaging, leading to improved health outcomes.

Patient Feedback and Satisfaction Surveys

Last but not least, one of the age-old strategies of collecting patient feedback and survey feedback is the tried and tested methodology to improve patient engagement. For instance, real-time feedback collection where the custom healthcare software itself collects real-time feedback from patients about their experience.

This data is then taken as a data pointer to instill improvements in patient care and engagement strategies. This data helps the healthcare IT team and providers to identify the gaps left behind in their services which helps them draw out plans and strategies for the patient, by the patient and with the patients.

Having said that, to collect patient feedback and surveys, it is important to design surveys that are easy for the patient to complete. For example, a patient might find it hard to give their feedback in detail, so giving them multiple-choice options can help them in successful completion and also encourage them to proactively participate in the surveys.


In a nutshell, custom healthcare software is one of the most effective ways to improve patient engagement and derive positive health outcomes from digital healthcare solutions. From personalized patient portals to mHealth apps and two-way communication channels, custom healthcare software provides all the necessary means to keep patients proactively engaged in their care journey.

These custom healthcare software solutions are effectively used for chronic disease management. Furthermore, with advancement in technology it is predicted to be a significant aspect of healthcare delivery. So, what are you waiting for, engage your patients better in their care journey with custom healthcare software development today!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is patient engagement?

Patient engagement is a two-way street. It’s about patients and healthcare providers working together. Patients take an active role in their care and are informed and involved in decisions. Providers create open communication and empower patients to manage their health. This partnership leads to better health outcomes, lower costs, and happier patients.

  • Why is patient engagement important?

Patient engagement is crucial because it empowers patients to take charge of their health. Engaged patients are more likely to follow treatment plans, manage chronic conditions effectively, and experience better overall health outcomes. This translates to reduced costs and higher satisfaction for both patients and the healthcare system.

  • What are the benefits of custom healthcare software?

Custom healthcare software offers several benefits:

  • Improved efficiency: Streamline workflows and automate tasks, freeing staff for higher-value activities.
  • Enhanced data management: Organize and analyze patient data effectively, leading to better care decisions.
  • Personalized care: Deliver targeted interventions and improve patient outcomes through better data insights.
  • How can custom healthcare software improve patient portals?

Custom healthcare software can turn patient portals into patient-centric hubs. Imagine features tailored to their needs, like medication reminders, secure chat with doctors, and progress-tracking tools. This boosts engagement, empowers patients, and improves the overall healthcare experience.

  • Can telehealth enhance patient engagement?

Yes, telehealth can enhance patient engagement by offering convenient access to care and increased interaction with providers. Patients feel more empowered to manage their health with features like remote monitoring and educational resources. Telehealth can also improve adherence to treatment plans through appointment reminders and easier communication.