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Leading Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating, but it’s crucial to be aware of the responsibilities and risks involved. Understanding the road rules and potential dangers of motorcycle riding is essential for safety. Motorcycle accidents remain a serious concern in the United States, with alarming statistics highlighting the risks. In 2018 alone, 4,985 people lost their lives in motorcycle accidents, and this number has continued to rise in recent years.

Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time, even to the most cautious riders. Factors such as road conditions, other drivers’ behavior, and even unfortunate luck can contribute to a crash.

 If you’re involved in a motorcycle accident—whether or not it was your fault—it’s important to seek legal assistance. A Philadelphia motorcycle accident attorney can guide you through the legal complexities, safeguarding your rights and securing the compensation you are due.

List of the causes of motorcycle accidents

  • Violating the Rules:

Often, few bikers think it is okay to ignore traffic rules. Riding a bike at high speed never makes anyone smart. It is important to follow traffic rules and be a responsible citizen. By breaking speed limits, you aren’t legally stepping on the wrong side of the legal ground; you are also risking your own life along with others. If you sustain injuries or pass away, your family may suffer. Your recklessness can endanger people’s lives on the street. The same goes for traffic lights. Stay alert for traffic signals to avoid accidents.

  • Inattentive Riding:

Tuning bikes is more dangerous than cars. If your bike isn’t in your complete control, turning, braking, etc. can get out of your hands. There are several cases where two entities have collided while a bike took a wrong turn or pushed the break at the wrong time.

  • Driving under Influence:

Drunk driving and riding are likely to result in severe accidents. Too much alcohol consumes your consciousness. Riding a bike requires a steady brain, clear vision, and a strong grip on the motor.

  • Lane Splitting:

Lane splitting may look amusing to some people, but it is also dangerous, as is speed driving. There is a high chance of crashing between other vehicles in two lanes.

  • Car door collision:

There are some cases where bikers have collided with opened car doors. Bikes accelerate at a faster pace than standard cars. Car drivers often leave their car doors open on the road or at the side of the road. These situations can cause bike accidents if you’re not careful. This type of incident also happens in parking lots. If you parked your car correctly, someone will point the finger at you, so be cautious.

  • Accidents From Left Turns:

Making left turns is often mismeasured, leading to frequent accidents. Taking turns to the right isn’t tough, but taking left turns needs more attention and better judgment of time and distance. And if you’re taking turns at a busy road crossing or the highway, the chances of an accident are high.

Need legal assistance? Contact a personal injury law firm

If you are not careful enough, motorcycle accidents can happen for a variety of reasons. Protect your legal rights today with a personal injury lawyer when you are a victim of a bike accident. However, the reasons for an accident can vary, and injuries or fatalities can occur at any time. Contacting a personal injury lawyer in Philadelphia can help you with the accident case and the insurance coverage.