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Mario Gotze: 10 years of success as a picture, what is the future?

Once a world champion, but the young talent of German football – Mario Gotze is facing many risks this year. Why is that? Find out more about him in this post.

Mario Gotze made his debut at Dortmund at the age of 17. And today, the age of 28 officially welcomed him. More than ten years have passed, the picture of Gotze’s career later became sadder and sadder. Football is so, nothing is impossible. No one can say anything in advance.

He used to be an “expensive” player/ Source:

In the 88th minute of the 2014 World Cup final between Germany and Argentina, coach Joachim Loew launched Mario Goetze into the pitch without forgetting to remind the player that “let the world know you are better than Lionel Messi”. At that time, Goetze was only 22 years old but had an illustrious career.

And the talented man from Dortmund’s training team returned Loew’s trust with a stunning goal, helping Germany win Argentina 1-0 in extra time. It was the ball that came in the 113th minute when Goetze decided to move the ball with his chest and launched a bold joint finish despite Andre Schurrle’s steady path not easily controlled. And so far, it is considered one of the last right decisions that Goetze made, creating a goal that is regarded as the most beautiful in the history of World Cup finals.

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That goal pushed Goetze’s career to the highest level. Even at that time, many people believed Goetze would soon catch up to the stature of superstars like Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo. Goetze deserves the expectation because he was once known as the unparalleled talent of German football before shone with the golden moment. And the resounding victory in Brazil is seen as a push to help Goetze become a world-class star.

How to return to the glorious period?/ Source:

But, sometimes talent alone is not enough to reach a position that you deserve to be with that talent. Deisler almost stopped playing football at the age of 27, because he was too fragile both physically and mentally. It does not mean that the former midfielder used to play Monchengladbach, Hertha Berlin, and Bayern Munich, only that it is the result of a process of many small links. Those links are the events, the story that happens in his life, and the decisions that he has made. Everyone has such a chain, and they drag us on journeys that we sometimes never thought of at first.

Future with a dark filter

For the second time in his career, Gotze left Dortmund. The only thing will not be the same as the first time, no more the resentment, resentment of the Ruhr team fans. They will sigh more regret. Dortmund extended their arms to welcome Gotze back when his dream of playing for Pep Guardiola at Bayern Munich was not a dream. But they cannot be nice forever, because everyone needs to look forward to looking after themselves. Gotze is no longer in line with Lucien Favre’s plans, and the farewell is suitable for all at the moment.

Is there any way for him?/ Source:

Seven years earlier, Gotze left Dortmund for the first time. That was when he was a very sought after name. At 17, he was promoted to the first team Dortmund. At 20, he was the mainstay of Dortmund, winning two silver Bundesliga discs and a National Cup. In 2010, Gotze was the youngest player to be called up to the national team since Uwe Seeler in 1954. A lot of praise was given to the young Dortmund player during that period.

However, the way he announced his departure from Die Borussen just 36 hours before the Champions League semi-final was like a blow to the fans of the yellow-black team. And more painful when the destination is Bayern Munich again. The contract breaking fee of 37 million euros made him the most expensive German player.

Mario Goetze was born in 1992, which is 28 years old this year. For most players, this is the best age for sublimation. But with Goetze, he was very blind in the front, and there was no passage of hope.

And then for the past few years, Gotze struggled in his own shadow. Of course, if severe trauma and metabolic disease don’t happen, we might see another Gotze. But all is only if. The fact is that now, we no longer see what is most quintessential of a player who was once considered the brightest talent in the country, a World Cup hero. In the delicate processing phase, the quick steps have disappeared. If you type his name on the search section of Getty Images you will see many pictures of the sad eyes of the German midfielder on the bench.

At this point, it is not known which team Gotze will be next to. Gotze is still too young to go to America, China, Japan, or some Western Asian country to “grow old.” There are rumors that some Serie A clubs are also seeking Dortmund 10. But no matter what he decided, an essential thing was serenity and peace of mind. Hope that the age of 28 will be fantastic for him.

In conclusion

Mario Gotze was once a highly sought after character and had a great time. The unique talent of German football to win the victory was the decisive goal that helped Germany beat Argentina to win the 2014 World Cup. He was in poor shape and was not trusted because it did not match the style of coach Lucien Favre. Gotze himself still suffers from various injuries, and it is hard to find his peak again. Hoping that a new opportunity will open up for him, and this time, he will make better decisions.