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New to CBD Oil? Here’s What You Need to Know

CBD has taken the world by storm. Everywhere you turn, there’s a CBD product just waiting to be purchased. These days, consumers can purchase traditional CBD oil, tinctures, and drops, along with other products such as CBD gummies, capsules, and topical options.
With a growing number of people turning to CBD as a safer, all-natural treatment option for everyday problems, you too may be interested in giving CBD oil a try. More and more countries are allowing the use of CBD in medicine. There is good news for Hong Kong residents, recently CBD oils without THK extracts became legal in the country. A large selection is presented on the website

But, before you buy and take CBD, there are some things you’ll want to know so that you can get the best experience possible. Keep reading to learn more.

CBD Won’t Get You High

Despite what you may have heard or read, CBD won’t get you high. Thus you can use Organa Kratom, that have a lot of benefits. While many people assume that CBD and THC have the same properties, these two cannabinoids couldn’t be more different. Though they both come from the same plant, they’re more like distant cousins versus siblings.

THC is known for its mind altering effects, causing users to feel overly euphoric, “stoned,” as some call it. THC has also been linked to physiological impacts, such as increased heart rate, coordination problems, and slower reaction times.

On the other hand, CBD has no psychoactive effects. You won’t feel high or altered in any way. Instead, CBD creates a sense of calmness and relaxation. Unlike THC, which can cause anxiety, CBD eases the mind and body.

Physiologically, CBD can cause fatigue, appetite changes, and dizziness.

The Benefits Are Endless

While there’s a growing need for more clinical trials that involve testing CBD on humans, the existing studies and evidence are nothing but positive. Dozens upon dozens of studies have found that CBD offers a host of benefits, which for some can be absolutely life-changing.
As discussed earlier, CBD is often used in order to treat anxiety, stress, and even depression. This is due to how CBD reacts with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. CBD also interacts with serotonin, helping to better manage levels, similarly to how SSRI medications work.
CBD may also be effective in relieving chronic pains. Daily aches and pains are common for millions of Americans, but living in pain doesn’t have to continue to be your reality.

The best CBD oil for pain has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is often the underlying issue that causes achy joints and sore muscles. So, by decreasing inflammation, pain levels decrease and the body is better able to manage pain.

Aside from relief from pain and anxiety, CBD has been linked to all sorts of other benefits including:

● Clearer skin (treatment for acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc.)
● Better sleep
● Improved heart health
● Neuro-protective properties
● Relief from cancer treatment side effects

As more research is conducted on CBD, we can only expect the list of benefits to grow even longer. In using CBD to treat any of these conditions, it’s worth noting that the cannabinoid has very few side effects. There’s also no risk of dependence or addiction.

There Are Different Kinds of CBD

Whether you’re looking to buy CBD oil in Colorado or another state, you’ll want to pay close attention to the label. Specifically, you’ll want to make note of the kind of CBD that the CBD oil contains. There are three different types of CBD, and understanding the differences makes it easier to figure out which type of best for you.

The first type of CBD is CBD isolate. As the name implies, CBD isolate has been isolated from all of the other compounds in the plant. CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD, and there are no traces of THC.

Broad spectrum CBD is the second type of CBD. This type of CBD also contains no THC, but it does contain other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. With this kind of CBD, you can experience the benefits of the other compounds without having to worry about exposure to THC.

The last type of CBD is full spectrum CBD. This kind of CBD contains all of the naturally-occurring compounds found in the plant, including cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, fatty acids, and others. Full spectrum CBD contains THC, but the amount is small. Legal CBD products must contain less than 0.3% THC.

Discuss With Your Doctor First

Studies have found that CBD has very minor side effects. However, studies have also found that CBD negatively interacts with certain medications. These medications include:

● Heart medications
● Antidepressants
● Antipsychotics
● Macrolide antibiotics

If you take any of these medications, you’ll need to discuss adding CBD to your daily routine with your doctor to ensure that you can safely use CBD oil. Even if you don’t take any prescription medications, it never hurts to first check with your doctor to get the all clear before adding any new supplement to your wellness plan.

Patience is a Must

As with any other supplement, it takes time in order for CBD to start working. This means that you won’t feel effects immediately, which can be frustrating for those who are looking for some relief.

Patience is a must when taking CBD oil for the first time. Before you feel results, you’ll need to figure out how much CBD you need to take. Taking too low of a dose won’t get you any results, while taking too much could result in intended side effects, such as drowsiness or loss of appetite.

The best way to figure out how much CBD you need to take is to start with a low dose and slowly increase it says Penguin CBD. Take half a dropper of CBD oil and then note how you feel. Increase the dose to a full dropper, and possibly multiple droppers, until you feel the effects.

Though it can take weeks until you feel true results, the wait is well worth it. CBD oil can make everyday life much more enjoyable.

Now that you know the ins and outs of CBD, are you more likely to try it? What do you hope to experience in taking CBD oil? Share your thoughts below!