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How To Nail Your Christmas Newsletter This Year

Christmas is one of the most important times of the year for many people, including marketing teams. Most businesses will mark the occasion in some way whether that is through Christmas ad campaigns, promotions in the lead-up or even by simply sending out a newsletter.

In this guide, we are going to offer some tips to help you nail your Christmas newsletter this year. Read on for our expert advice.

Choose The Perfect Design

If you are going to be sending out a Christmas newsletter, you are going to want to make it obvious that you are celebrating the festive season. Your newsletter needs to include some of the classic colours and designs to fit the celebration. Our best piece of advice would be to choose a Christmas newsletter template that you can find online. This way, you’ll save yourself some time and you can focus on the content. 

Focus On Offers

If you do have some offers to include in your Christmas newsletter, you should put these at the forefront of it. These need to catch the eye of your readers from the get-go, otherwise, you risk them moving onto something else and missing out. Offers should be included in the subject line if possible, in order to catch the attention of those who might not even open these kinds of things. Consider some creative offers such as bundles or free shipping and spread some festive cheer. 

Offer Advice

Christmas can be a stressful time for many, especially when you consider how many gifts, they need to purchase for all of their family members. For this reason, you will want to make sure that your Christmas newsletter isn’t too promotion-heavy, otherwise, you could look like you are just there to sell. To nail your newsletter, you should consider offering some advice, insights or even gift buying guides to your recipients. This way, they will actually benefit from reading this newsletter.

Say Thanks

In the same way that you will want to offer advice or something of value to your readers when you send out your Christmas newsletter, you will want to reward them and say thank you for their custom this year. Often, a customer who feels rewarded is one that is more likely to come back and make an additional purchase. Think about how you can thank your customers in your newsletter and you might just pull this off.

Try These Tips

Nailing your Christmas newsletter doesn’t have to be difficult, as long as you take these tips on board. Think about the kind of value you can offer your customers and don’t forget to theme your newsletter around the festive season. The more exciting the newsletter and the subject lines are, the more likely customers will be to engage with it. Don’t let the festive season pass without sending out a newsletter that could lead to some conversions in a tricky year.