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Seeing Stars: The Celebs That Made it Big From Bingo 

Bingo isn’t just a favorite pastime of the British public, even the rich and famous have grabbed a dauber now and then, enjoying the thrills and excitement of the game. In fact, thanks to the bravado needed to be an entertaining caller, Bingo has also launched the career of many famous faces. 

So, whether you’re an online Bingo regular at or an advocate of the traditional trip to the Bingo Hall, why not join the company of some much-loved stars, as we reveal the celebrities that enjoy this classic game as much as you do. 

Catherine Zeta Jones

The esteemed, Welsh actress became a huge fan of Bingo from a very young age, and can partly thank her success to the game. It’s believed that her Dad was also an avid fan, and through his Bingo winnings, had enough money to send Zeta Jones to theatre school – the first step in her impressive career.  

The love of the game has continued for the actress, as she has been known to create her own Bingo set, so she could play at any time she fancies. Zeta Jones also apparently plays regularly with her family with custom-made Bingo tickets. 

Russell Crowe 

Another award-winning actor, Russell Crowe remains a huge fan of Bingo, playing it from time to time. But he’s not just a consistent player and has admitted that his first job was as a Bingo caller. It seems that this was the initial stepping stone in a highly successful acting career. 

In his home town Australia, he used to call the Bingo numbers on a regular basis, but was allegedly let go from his role for calling out inappropriate Bingo rhymes. I’m sure we all would have loved to hear what imaginative calls Crowe came up with, back in the day! 

Shane Ritchie 

Queen Vic landlord and “I’m A Celebrity” superstar, Shane Ritchie certainly has the gift of the gab that you would expect from a talented Bingo caller. So, it would come as no surprise to some of you, that he actually started his career in his local Bingo Hall. 

Although you’re unlikely to see him playing Bingo nowadays, this role led him onto becoming a bluecoat entertainer at Pontins. And the rest they say is history, as he has now gone on to be a star of the television screen. 

Antony Cotton

Another celeb from the soap world, Antony Cotton continues to be a Bingo caller in the present day, but now comes with a handsome price tag to make a guest appearance. His contagious personality suits the caller role perfectly, and he has been in high demand across the country to grace the Bingo halls with his presence. 

It was apparently an episode of “Coronation Street” in 2005 that started Cotton’s love affair with the game, as his character called out the numbers for a Bingo game in the show. Since then, the actor developed a special link with the game, enjoying it so much that he wanted to call numbers in real-life, and now draws audiences of up to 500 players to his Bingo games.