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Tablet Drawing Tips – Spice Up Your Artistic Taste   

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A drawing tablet is an artist’s on-the-go canvas – it helps him catch the creativity at the very moment as it hits the thoughts. This some-inches screen can prove to be an artist’s best friend in good and bad times. For more, check out Botto.

Creating masterpieces remotely was never easier, but thanks to some of the most top-notch drawing Apps like Procreate and Cricut, it’s now comparatively more straightforward. Still, it’s technical to get the maximum nactor out of a drawing tablet to create a unique art piece. 

Also, sadly, these tablets do not come with a handy manual to explain how to polish the drawing skills on that specific screen. So, I’m here today to explain some of the best Tablet Drawing Tips for a happier, quicker, more perfect art piece. 

Keep in mind that there are plenty of software which are used for drawing on tablet. For example if you are an artist who got a tablet for procreate then you should first learn the basics of using the procreate software to effectively draw on the tablet.

Some Handy Tablet Drawing Tips 

Mostly the best performance of a screen depends upon the art of playing with the provided tools. That’s why exploring the tips below can help you reach that creativity level like never before;  

Use Different Nibs 

 Every nib type is unique in its feel and feedback over the screen. Usually, hard plastic nibs are too hard and can slide too easily. Conversely, using hard felt nibs can mimic a felt-tip pen and offers better control over the flow.  You can use stroke nib to simulate a brush and the Flex Nib for a pastel-like feel. Choose wisely and paint precisely! 

Use Shape Dynamics

Try using Adobe’s “Shape Dynamics” feature to get the photos that mimic a true dodged and burned photo in darkrooms. You can add an organic feel to your art in a smoother way. Also, explore some additional settings to find the most compatible pen pressure effects, and you’d be able to create an organic art piece.  

Play With Layer Masks

Although all graphics pens feature an eraser on one end of the pen to erase any wrong o un-needed input, most artists completely dislike erasing with the pen’s eraser. Instead, try using the method of Layer masks. Also, you can set the pen’s eraser at any other feature of your choice (any most-used feature, e.g., burn). 

Try Using Shortcuts 

Although mainly drawing doesn’t need the keyboard, you can set it up to draw more conveniently. Learn some shortcut keys, draw with one hand, and command a key with another hand for a smoother, more creative, and controlled drawing experience. 

Don’t Forget To Fine-Tune The Nib 

Every artist has its unique style of adding the inputs, and so does you. That’s why you need to fine-tune your nib so it can respond accordingly. Usually, most pens are set to a middle-of-the-road pressure setting; still, you can adjust it the way you like it. 

Use Right-click Functionality Often

Do not forget to set right-click on your pen’s buttons, especially if you are a Mac user. A right-click will assist you in so many ways, like changing the brush type when you’ve selected a brush tool. You can also change size and hardness within moments. It helps speed up the process and keeping the flow alive.  

Tablet Drawing Tips – Our Takeaway

Regardless of what I’ve explained above, the key to success is hidden in practice. You may feel these tips aren’t meant for you, but sticking to these and practicing these handy tips can prove to be a great help in polishing your artistic skills. Also, do not forget to use top-notch drawing software like Procreate and Cricut as your art companions. Good luck with your masterpieces!