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5 Things You Need To Have For Your Camping Trip

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Camping is a great and affordable way to connect to nature and enjoy the wilderness. It can be a perfect way to bond with family or reconnect with friends. Fresh air and beautiful scenery will do wonders for you and your health. But if you’re not sure what you might need or want to avoid buying too much, we’ve got you covered. If you’re a first-time camper, we have some essentials that you might need for your first camping trip. We have some budget-friendly alternatives and some pricier ideas that are definitely worth saving up for. 

Whether you want to spend some time alone, disconnect from technology, or want to work on your survival skills. Camping has many benefits, and the peace that you experience when camping is unmatched in the modern world. If you’re after a more long-term solution, why not try doing some research into camper vans? We have some recommendations on where you can look and how to start planning your finances. You can also visit survivorhive on how to survive in the wild.


As part of your emergency kit, you should have the best camping flashlight or a torch. Even a lantern of some sort will be highly beneficial, especially for nightly bathroom trips into the forest.  Even a lantern of some sort will be highly beneficial, especially for nightly bathroom trips into the forest. Torches will make you feel a little more safe and comfortable at night because you will know that you can see if you need it. 


You’ll be surprised how often you find yourself sitting on the ground or squatting while trying to have some downtime. A folding chair is a great thing to bring on any camping trip. You can find cheap ones or some fancier ones with cup holders and storage compartments if money isn’t an issue for you. A camping chair is perfect for eating meals or even drinking coffee in the morning. It gives your legs a much-needed break from the floor and offers somewhere to relax that isn’t your sleeping arrangement. 

Emergency Kit

A first aid kit with medication, an escape plan, and details of emergency contacts and a training of Basic Life Support Course Toronto are all essential for your safety. It’s always better to over-prepare so that you know you’ve covered all bases and can sleep easily. You could even go as far as getting a small satellite phone which you can pre-program with an emergency contact. Make sure to let this person know where you are going and when you are planning to come back so that they know how to reach you. 

Food Store

Always bring more food than you think you will need. High-energy granola bars are great for keeping you fuelled, and canned food is perfect to grab in a pinch. The only problem there is that you will have to carry heavy cans with you, and you might be walking a long way from your car. If you are thinking about investing in a camper van, this is something that you could keep in a small pantry. Another great idea, if you want to travel light, is to bring seeds and nuts. These are naturally high in energy and will keep you full for longer. Make sure that you also bring plenty of water and stay hydrated. 

Camper Van

If you are planning on camping more consistently, you might be interested in purchasing a camper van. This is a great option for those looking for their next investment, or if you are looking for a lifestyle change and want to travel more. A camper van has added benefits such as being completely mobile, you have very little to set up and there is also a comfortable bed you can sleep soundly in. There is no need for sleeping bags and there are a lot of options for a camper van with bathroom and kitchen

We appreciate that this isn’t accessible to everyone, and have included some more alternative options that can make your set-up extra cozy. A tent is a more traditional option because it is easy to set up, affordable, and can be a compact space for just you. Another great option for those looking to pack as lightly as possible is a bivy. This is a small sleeping bag shelter that is perfect for long-distance hiking and camping because there is very little material. The benefits of this include that it is compact, lightweight, and easy to pack away. 

To conclude, camping is accessible to anyone and not exclusive to those who can afford the luxury. What you decide for your set-up really depends on personal preference, and desired comfort level as well as budget. Be sure to check out the link above and check permits, booking details, and insurance where necessary.