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A Beginner’s Guide To CSGO

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If you have yet to jump on the CSGO bandwagon, but are still wondering where to exactly get started, a beginner’s guide has been compiled for your benefit. Believe it or not, CSGO is not something that you can master within a minute. It will take multiple tries, and hours of screenplay to feel like you are getting somewhere, and guess what, that is completely okay. 

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In the meantime, if you want to improve your CS:GO tactics and gaming experience, you are most definitely in the right place.

Learning to stand still while shooting

First tip that is definitely worth mentioning, is the shooting skills that many beginners lack. The old run and shoot tactic can sometimes be a recipe for disaster, and trust us when we tell you this, many new players really find it difficult to shoot accurately, due to neglecting this very reason.

Every weapon that you use will have its own patterns for recoil, meaning you will want to familiarise yourself with the spray attitudes of your favourite guns, before participating in huge missions. While it is not necessary to know all the recoil patterns off by heart, the game can be very fast paced when you first start off, and it could massively help you get to grips with the game if you shoot first from a close range, and standing still.

Map callouts and communication

CSGO really does rely on teams working together, in addition to their extensive expertise when it comes to map knowledge. On the lowest of ranks, we see many players not actually being able to name all the locations and each are on the map. This immediately puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to playing strategically. It probably is one of the most basic factors that you need to consider when playing, so you should definitely not forget to do so. 

Do not forget to use your mic for map callouts and voicing out positions on the map that will aid your team upon acting out their strategy. It really is vital to communicate properly, meaning you should not shy away from hopping on the mic and saying, what’s what! 

Your kill/death ratio is not that important 

Obviously, it is no fun getting shot at, or having impeccably low KDR values, however it is really important at the beginning when you are getting used to the game details and user experience as a whole, it is more important that you stay in one piece, and providing the opportunity for more skilled players on your team to shine. Again, teamwork is what makes actions more valuable, so distinguishing defence over attack at the beginning could certainly prevail longevity way more easily.

Get your aim and sensitivity on point 

Aim matters hugely in the world of CSGO. Being off pixel can mean that you can easily miss a shot, and therefore have a lower accuracy for stats. Therefore, making sure that your sensitivity is on point is really important. While this is not a twitch shooting pursuit, your eDPI is not as important as you would think. Making your shots is really important, so lowering your sensitivity could help you hit the shots accurately each and every time with practice, of course. 

Do not be too predictable 

This probably is one of the most vital tips of them all. A beginner will always at first get used to playing with the same methods and style, that is okay at the beginning, but do try and adopt other strategies and ways of holding positions. Many players question as to why they are getting shot at, and the reason is pretty simple- sitting in the same spot for 15 minutes will ultimately dictate you getting shot at! So, go outside of your comfort zone and try out new attacking spaces, once you sorted out your aim sensitivity though, don’t forget…