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A Guide to Startup Stages

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Startup software development is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It is possible to achieve success if there is funding, but what to do if it is not?! A small online business still needs a minimal investment, but at the same time, software development for startups by digitalsuits – is the right solution that will lead to real success in the future. Firstly, the client will not lose money, which may not be there anyway. Firstly, the client will not lose money, which may not be there anyway. Secondly, the customer will avoid all sorts of difficulties, for example, he will not have to look for a team for an IT project, hire additional employees for the business, do not provide workplaces with equipment, and avoid as many other troubles as possible.

What steps need to be taken?

First you need to decide what the profit will be, what exactly the entrepreneurial activity will be. The idea is the most important thing to start with. Software development is much easier when the customer is sure what he wants to do and what kind of online business he opens. Here are the step by step methodology:

1. Development of a business plan. Absolutely all IT projects begin not only with a clear technical task for the client, but also with an idea that can be scaled. The fact is that when opening any business, you need to remember this, so you can’t do without a business plan. At this stage, everything should be documented – from the basic overview to the main idea.

2. Conducting research. This stage is necessary for web developers, because they need to understand what kind of digital product they will have to create, what technologies will be required for this, what are the best tools for software development that can be offered to the client (including with a minimum financial budget). Opening a new business niche, one cannot do without a web application or a website, especially if the customer wants the activity to develop on the Internet.

3. From idea to MVP. Before creating software, you need to make sure that the product on which the entire business will be focused is really at least minimally viable. Usually, an IT specialist tests competitors, the target audience, analyzes statistical data for one or another idea, supplements and improves it. Next, they choose a platform or framework on the basis of which they will create software from scratch.

4. Attract attention. Startups are always difficult, all the more it is necessary to focus on expanding the client base from the first launch of the software. This is usually done with the help of IT tools, including launching an advertising campaign. For example, programmers must make sure that the chosen framework can be integrated with the business. Taken into account: 

  • Bright branding. Any newly released product should have some sort of personality.
  • Promotions. To attract the target audience, it is important to skillfully promote a business product to people.
  • Partnership. If initially the customer has a great idea, but there is no funding, you need to look for investors and attract partners by launching an advertising campaign.

5. Software implementation. If the web product is completely ready, they proceed to the formation of requirements for tools and implement them, fully design digital software based on the platform, conduct software testing, launch it for a narrow audience, and then for a wide audience. After that, the software is actively used and, as a rule, an additional function is ordered from IT specialists to support the project in the future so that the developed website or web application function without interruptions and errors.

6. Modernization. If the online business shows excellent performance at first, sales go up, and the program works without failures, then you can safely improve digital software. For example, you can start implementing a modern and more advanced web design, change functionality and add new options, monitor performance (delete unnecessary processes, clear unnecessary cache, and so on), ensuring the smooth operation of the software.

What to take into account?

In order for a startup to become as successful as possible, it is unrealistic to do without professional help. More interesting information you can check here, because by turning to experts and web developers who can take on the most complex business project, you definitely will not “burn out”. Moreover, only experts will be able to give practical recommendations on maximizing financial savings, choosing a framework and platform for a business idea, and advise on other key features that will help conquer not only a niche market, but the market all over the world.