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A Handy Guide for Teenagers to Overcome the Loss of Parents 

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Death may feel unbelievable, particularly when you have to endure the end of your parents, whose presence is so valuable in your life. Whether you lose your parents at a young age or in adulthood, suffering the loss is not easy. The loss of guidance, support, and love will make you devastated. Yet, everybody would expect you to tackle the grief and recover from the losses. Your personal and professional obligations would not allow you to keep brooding about the loss. There is no wrong or right way of grieving the loss of parents, but a few strategies may offer an initiating place when you begin to accept the loss.

  • Your feelings are valid

Sadness is typical after you lose your parents, but it’s normal for other emotions to take and hold over you. It is perfectly alright when you do not feel sad. Perhaps, you may start feeling numb at the point when you realize that your parents are not there. You may express several feelings listed below:

  • Frustration or anger
  • Emotional numbness and shock
  • Guilt and repentance
  • Disbelief, confusion, and grief
  • Hopelessness
  • Physical pain
  • Mental health issues like depression and trauma. 

It would benefit if you allowed yourself to develop and improve. The more you think about it; your situation will turn worse. You cannot hold on to the loss.

  • Allow yourself to experience the loss

You must realize and accept the loss. People react to the situation differently. But it’s significant to get the feeling and the reality. There is no right way to show your grief. Moreover, there is no amount of suffering. It is you who decides how you want to tackle your emotions. However, you cannot deny the feelings that your parents are not there. Remind yourself about the reality and work accordingly.

  • Feelings change

Once you start navigating the days, months, and weeks after losing your parents, you experience several feelings and emotions. These change with time, and thus you will be a new person later. There are a few stages of misery, and these are listed below:

  •   Denial: When you are in a state of confusion or shock, then the feeling of denial can come over. You may want to keep yourself busy every time, so you do not let yourself feel the loss.
  •   Anger: You may feel frustrated and raged. You may display several behaviors, like passing sarcastic comments or being irritable. You may also get into arguments and develop different habits like drinking and smoking.
  •   Depression: In this stage, people feel sad, hopeless, overwhelmed, and disappointed. They experience an alteration in their appetite and sleep and are not interested in any activity, whether social or personal.
  •   Acceptance: It is the final stage of repentance, where you develop a feeling of courage, compassion, and pride. You start accepting the loss and motivate yourself to get back to ordinary life.

It would benefit you if you took care of yourself and your feelings.

If you feel these emotions are taking over you, it is time to get professional help from nichum aveilim service. There are counselors and medical practitioners who can help you with the best strategies to keep you focused on your life and work.