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Amazon Prime Cancels ‘The Pack’ Following Concerns from PETA

The Series Was Described as 'The Amazing Race with Dogs'

Amazon Prime has pulled the plug on canine competition “The Pack” following condemnation of unaired footage last month by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The series, hosted by Olympic gold medalist Lindsey Vonn, depicts 12 teams of canines and their human companions on “an epic adventure across multiple continents,” according to the show’s official description.

“Dogs rely on us for everything, including their protection, and anyone who cares about them can breathe a sigh of relief now that ‘The Pack’ won’t be dangling any more dogs over waterfalls,” said PETA Senior Vice President Lisa Lange in a statement. “PETA urges anyone who sees an animal being used for a film or television show to report it immediately — just like the kind person who blew the whistle on this detached-from-reality show.”

Last month, PETA shared leaked footage — supposedly from the show’s third episode, filmed in Costa Rica — depicting dogs rappelling and doing other maneuvers with their owners in what it considered “dangerous” scenarios.