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Analysis on Cashing Out Small Payments and How to Select a Trustworthy Company for Cashing Out Information Usage Fees

We summarize the concept of small payment cashing, analyze the types, methods of use, pros and cons, and provide guidance on agency policies.

What is cash on delivery?

It’s a way of using a mobile phone cashiering system to purchase items or gift certificates online and exchange them for cash, minus a small fee.

and exchanges the remaining amount for cash. 

In this process, a certain amount of commission is incurred, and the commission rate is generally 10% to 20%, and it refers to a service that can be used within the limits of the carrier. To use it, you need to agree to the payment utilization and usage limit of each carrier, and you can easily use it.

Types of small payment cashization

  •  Cashing out gift certificates 

This is a method of cashing in gift certificates by purchasing and reselling gift certificates, and it can be used at the lowest fee.

  •   How to use a specialized micropayment company

is is a method of cashing in gift certificates by purchasing and reselling gift certificates, and it can be used at the lowest fee.

  •   Cashing out information usage fees 

 Using the limit of information usage fee (content usage fee), purchase paid items in mobile games and resell them directly using a trading site.

  • How to use the cashing app

How to get a refund after recharging your phone using a transportation payment app and a cashing app This is a safe and low-cost method that allows you to recharge your phone directly and get a refund directly.

  • How to use a second-hand platform

It is a method of reselling items on second-hand platforms after purchasing them with micro-transactions in shopping malls, so be aware of safety transactions because it is an individual to individual transaction.

How to use and procedure for cashing in small payments

  1. How to use

The most important thing to remember is that you’ll be able to’t get the most out of your time, and you’ll be able to’t get the most out of your money.

In addition, there are cases where you cannot use it due to payment agency policy or non-payment, so you must identify and solve the exact problem through non-payment and policy to be able to use it.If you cannot use it due to policy, please refer to the article below.

2. How to use gift certificates

Buy a gift certificate with a mobile phone payment → Use a specialized gift certificate purchasing site (compare fees) → Sell to a specialized company → Deposit cash  

3. How to use a specialized micropayment company

Contact a specialized company → Inquire about fees → Determine the amount you want to use → Pay using various routes → Deposit cash 

4. How to purchase an item online and use it directly

Purchase an item from an online shopping mall → Check the price of the same item on a second-hand trading platform → List the item → Sell it

5. How to sell mobile/online paid items after purchase

Purchase a mobile online paid item with a cell phone or information usage fee → Register the item on an item trading site → Sell it 

5 Types of Microtransactions Cashout Routes 

The process of cashing out depends on which route you choose to use. Let’s take a look at some of the steps below.

1. How to cash out gift certificates

To cash out a gift certificate, you’ll need to use a site that accepts mobile phone payments. Typical sites include OneStore, Online Gift Card Mobile Payment, etc. where you can buy gift certificates with your phone and redeem them through a company that specializes in buying gift certificates.

2. Using a second-hand platform after purchasing an item online   

This is a method of purchasing and selling items online, using various events to purchase items at a discounted price with mobile phone payments, or purchasing limited items and reselling them on second-hand platforms such as Secondhand Nara and Carrot Market.

3. Using a professional cashier

The simplest and most straightforward method is to use a professional cashier. Specialized companies can easily determine whether or not you can cash out based on various routes and limits.

This process may result in restrictions for reasons such as non-payment of policies, and you should take extra care when using these specialized providers. Avoid companies that are not fully registered, charge exorbitant fees, or are poorly rated by the online community.

4. How to buy and resell mobile paid items

Buying paid items directly and reselling them using a trading site is the safest way to cash in on them, as you’re dealing directly with the seller and the intermediary trading platform provides some level of security. Representative item trading sites include Itembay and Itemmania. 

5. Gifting with TransportPay

You can use Transport Pay to purchase items at convenience stores and supermarkets in Korea, as well as public transportation, so you can think of it as the equivalent of cash or credit cards. You can use your mobile phone payment to top up your Transportation Pay and sell it as a gift on online transaction sites.

Analyzing the purpose and advantages

  • Purpose 

The main reason is when you need cash in a hurry or when you need a paycheck. You can also use it to cash out by purchasing gift certificates for a small fee. 

  • Advantages  
  1. Convenient and easy to use: You can easily exchange cash with a simple verification process.
  2. Regardless of credit: Compared to loans, cashing out small payments or cashing in gift certificates can be used regardless of credit status.
  • Cons
  1. Higher fees: Compared to traditional loans, short-term micropayments may require higher fees.
  2. Charges for non-payment: If you don’t pay on the next month’s (next month’s) payment date with a deferred payment system, a late fee of 2% may be added to the unpaid amount.
  3. No installments: Unlike credit cards, you can’t pay in installments.

Common reasons for chargebacks  

  • The payment provider’s internal policies prevent you from doing so.
  • The user’s telecom bill is unpaid 
  • There are inconsistencies in the information you provided  
  • You have a long history of non-payment
  • You are a minor or corporate user
  • You are on a prepaid plan
  • The request is made from a number that has been suspended
  • If you are using a two-number service.
  • The nominee has requested to block cell phone payments
  • The number is lost
  • If you have been automatically blocked for not using micropayments for more than one year. 
  • If you did not agree to use mobile phone payment when you signed up for a cell phone.

Breaking down the top 5 policy reasons for payment gateways    

  • Unable to use cell phone payment service due to unpaid telecom bill
  • Insufficient funds for micropayments
  • The price of the item you attempted to purchase from the site exceeds your spending limit 
  • The IP from which the payment was attempted, if the payment was attempted repeatedly, or if it is an IP block. 
  • For new accounts, less than 3 months old, insufficient agency limit

Policy Reason Resolution 

  • Pay the amount owed (if you have multiple phones, check if there is an outstanding balance in your name)
  • Unblock micropayments on your phone and increase your usage 
  • For new subscribers, it usually takes at least 3 months to be able to use the service.

Information Fee Cashout Definition and Analysis 

  1. What is information usage fee monetization?

Information usage fee cash-out refers to purchasing intangible content or virtual creations and mobile paid items using your mobile phone’s information usage fee limit and exchanging them for cash. In other words, when you watch a movie or purchase a paid item in a mobile game, you pay for it with information usage fees.

Unlike micropayments, this has a separate limit, and the limit is generally set at around 1 million won. In the process of cashing out, you can purchase gift certificates, etc. using One Store, purchase mobile paid items, etc. and cash them out using second-hand platforms or game item trading sites, or use a company specializing in cashing out.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of cashing in information usage fees


  • Simplicity

The first advantage is simplicity. You can make purchases with just one click.

  • No credit downgrade 

The second advantage is that it doesn’t affect your credit rating. However, if there is a reason for non-payment, it can affect your credit rating, so you should be cautious about using it.


  • Relatively high fees

Relatively high fees may be incurred compared to gift certificate exchange and general payment. 

  • Complexity of use

Compared to general payment, it has a complicated payment process.

Process for cashing out information fees

  •  Purchase items and content with paid payments

Purchase mobile content that can be monetized using Google Play or the app store.  

  •   Resell the content 

Sell the purchased content on a secure trading site (Bay, Mania) or through a specialized company. 

  •   Receive cash

Receive cash minus a certain amount of fees.

Tips and tricks for choosing a specialist

  1.   Good tips
  •   Common and reasonable fees

There are many professional services out there. However, different companies charge different fees. This is because they use different routes to get to the money, and there is no standardized fee. However, as of 2024, the average fee is around 10-20%.

It is recommended that you analyze the company before using it. It’s a trade first, get paid later, so there’s a risk of getting scammed.

  •   Expertise 

We are able to provide you with a wide range of services to help you find the right fit for your needs, and we’re happy to provide you with the expertise of these specialists, which will provide you with diversity in terms of homepage content and 

It’s a great way to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your time.

 This is because there are various reasons such as non-payment of the policy during the usage process, and some companies are not able to resolve it while others are able to solve it. You can judge this expertise by looking at the company’s history, reviews, and user satisfaction,

 This may not be an accurate method, so it is recommended that you contact several companies in various ways to compare and choose a company that you can trust and get a good deal.

  •  Cautions and notes

If you complete the transaction yourself during the cashing process, then you shouldn’t have any issues, but if you use a professional or proxy payment processor, then you may run into issues with privacy breaches and fraud.

Or, if you’re making illegal transactions, you could get into legal trouble, so it’s important to make sure that you’re using a professional provider that you can trust and review.

Good tips for choosing a professional provider

  •   Make sure they’re legitimately registered 

Make sure the company is legitimately registered and has an accurate business license number or business address listed at the bottom of the homepage. 

  •   Make sure the fees are average market rates

Transparently disclose fee rates before trading and recognize average trading fees among professional trading firm

  •   Verify that the company is trustworthy through reviews and portal searches

You should also check the main phone number through a portal search to see if it’s a trustworthy trading company, such as on the homepage or in the community.There are companies that specialize in this kind of cash

  •  Consider your response rate to inquiries and how fast you can get things done 

You want to make sure that you’re getting accurate answers to your inquiries, that you’re getting responses, and that you’re getting things done quickly.

Fraud prevention tips and precautions

Micropayments are increasingly in demand, and while they are a convenient transaction system, you need to be careful when using them. In other words, micropayments are a post-paid billing system that is billed the following month.

The next month’s billing can cause economic losses, so it is important to protect your personal information and choose carefully to distinguish fraudulent companies.

  •   Avoiding financial loss due to fraud

If you are scammed by an illegitimate fraudulent business, you may suffer financial losses. In order to solve this, it is important to have a habit of blocking or setting a password through your carrier’s app if you don’t use small payments,

 If damage occurs, you should immediately report the damage, but it takes a considerable amount of time to recover the amount of damage civilly, so it is recommended that you do not fall victim to such fraud, and it is important to make a careful judgment before using a specialized trading company.

  •   The harm of personal information leaks 

Micro-transactions require you to enter your personal information, but if someone has installed a malicious app on your phone, you may be at risk of having your personal information leaked.

To avoid this, we recommend installing and regularly updating your phone’s security software and avoiding clicking on suspicious URLs.

  •   What to look out for when using cashiering

The demand for micropayments seems to be on the rise, which may be a result of users seeking convenience, but you should always use discretion when making payments.

However, it’s important to note that this convenience can lead to money-wasting spending. Cell phone payments can cause financial losses, and procedures and methods should be implemented quickly to prevent this risk.

Analyze the feasibility of use

On the one hand, cell phone payments bring convenience to our daily lives and allow us to access cash. But on the other hand, the transactions are risky and require a certain amount of fees.

Considering these points, it is recommended that you consider your financial situation beforehand and use it wisely.

In addition, problems may arise in the process of using the service, so it is important to analyze these problems and cases in advance to prevent them, and you should determine whether the company’s fees are reasonable and whether it is feasible to use the service before using it.

Also, if you engage in illegal transactions, you may encounter problems with related laws, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them. Also, if you purchase gift certificates and resell them yourself, or if you purchase items online and resell them.

We also recommend that you judge the trustworthiness of the buyer in many ways, so if you have any doubts, do not transact with them. We recommend that you use mobile phone payments, which provide convenience in our daily lives, carefully and correctly.