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App Store Optimization Factors

There is no doubt that app store optimization is a must for promoting your business application in such sources like App Store and Google Play. ASO consists of different items like audit, semantic core, content creating, design improvement, reputation management, A/B testing etc. 

To reach success you need to understand what factors have a great impact on the app store optimization process. The main factor is the quality of app store optimization services and the agency professionalism. But that’s not all! 

On-app factors of ASO

These types of factors are part of your application, they are under your control. The main on-app factors are:

  • text content – descriptions, headlines and other textual fields should include keywords and phrases for better optimization and traffic;
  • localization – app customization for targeted regions, using different languages, setup listing and other features;
  • content quality – an important part of ASO, because content is a key factor to attract the audience and get more orders. 
  • identity – your app needs to be unique to become the leader among competitors.

On-app elements are fully under the control of a professional ASO team, so they are easier to become perfect than off-app ones. 

Additional On-App Factors to Consider:

  • App Icons & Screenshots: Visuals, including icons and screenshots, are often the first impressions for users. These should be compelling and clearly represent the app’s value.
  • App Speed and User Interface: A fast, user-friendly app will encourage positive reviews and higher engagement. Both play a major role in determining the overall user experience.

On-app factors are entirely within your control, which means optimizing them can significantly impact your app’s rankings and success.

Off-app ASO factors

Such factors are out of your application and they aren’t directly within the control. But not so bad, because you can influence some of them indirectly to make your app more successful.

Application downloads

The volume of downloads is one of the main app success indicators. Beside it, stores like Google Play or App Store determine the level of your app popularity according to the downloads. The number of downloads for some period of time shows whether your app is in trend or not. 

Client reviews

Keep in mind that your app should be customer oriented and comfortable. Because of the fact that positive reviews will improve visibility, but the negative ones – downgrade your app position.

Uninstall rate

A great indicator about how your programme is valuable for users. High-quality app store optimization helps to make apps that customers will save on their smartphones for a long time after downloading. Remember, that if your app has a lot of uninstalls – it will have a negative impact on your rating in the store. 

Audience engagement

Frequently app using, making orders and buying products determine the level of application viability for your customers. 

Link Building

For applications in Google Play, backlinks from authoritative sources to your app will show that your application is popular enough to get an endorsement.  

App crashes

Keep in mind that bags, slow working and other problems are the reasons why customers delete your application. Make sure you can resolve all technical problems quickly. 

Additional Off-App Factors to Consider:

  • App Marketing: Promotion outside the app store, such as social media campaigns, influencer marketing, or paid ads, can drive downloads and increase app visibility. These campaigns can indirectly impact your app’s ranking by generating traffic and interest.
  • Referral Traffic & Social Proof: The more external websites or social platforms refer users to your app, the better it performs in app store rankings. Social proof, such as endorsements from influencers, can also help boost your app’s credibility.



App store optimization is a significant process to make your program better and attract new clients all the time. Despite professional optimization services, you need to affect a variety of on-app and off-app factors. Remember, that even off-app elements can be under indirect control to get the best possible results. Create the right marketing strategy, use app store optimization, control important factors, and let’s reach the heights.

