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Best Camera Settings For Real Estate Photography Interiors

© by Petapixel

There is more to real estate photography than just snapping a picture of the inside of a house and slapping on a stock image of a family. When photographing interiors for real estate purposes, it is important to use the correct camera settings to capture the space in the best possible light. Some professional real estate photo editing services will help you to make pictures perfect for buyers. If you want to create an effective marketing piece that will increase potential buyers’ you need to take your time and set up the shot correctly. And By understanding the best camera settings for real estate photography, you can produce stunning images that will help close the deal. So grab your camera and let’s begin!

Camera Settings- Interior Photography

When photographing interiors for real estate purposes, there are a few key camera settings to keep in mind to capture the space in its best light.

  • Aperture

For interior photography, it is best to use a low aperture so that all the details in the room are visible. This means that more light will be let in, but there will be a shallower depth of field. This makes sure that all the furniture and decor in the room are visible in the photo. However, it is important to not use an aperture that is too low, as this can cause parts of the photo to be blurry. For example, in general, an aperture of f/8 is suitable to keep the entire room in focus when capturing interior shots. 

However, the aperture can be changed depending on the depth of your room. For example, if the room is very deep, then set the aperture to f/16. Moreover, if you like to creative touch then, set the aperture to a low number to achieve a shallow depth of field and blur out any distractions in the background. For HDR real estate photography, change the shutter speed for each frame to get different exposures.

  • Shutter Speed

In general, when photographing interiors, set the shutter speed fast enough to avoid blurriness. However, shutter speed depends on the amount of light available and how steady you can hold the camera. Most of the time during the interior shots, lighting can be too dull to capture a photo. In such a situation, place your camera at a slower shutter speed. Generally, a shutter speed of 1/60th of a second should do the work. However, set in between 1/60 and 1/2 second. It will compensate for the darkness and will allow more light.

  • ISO

Determining the right ISO for interior photography can be tricky. A higher ISO setting will result in sharper photos, but it can also introduce noise into your images. For most real estate interiors, an ISO setting of 400 should suffice. But try to set your ISO below 400 or closer to 100. Setting closer to 100 provides enough light sensitivity to avoid noise while still allowing you to capture plenty of detail. 

You will need to adjust your ISO depending on the specific lighting conditions of each room. If you see that the photos are too dark, then increase the ISO. Conversely, if you find that your photos are too bright, you can decrease the ISO.

Pro Tip: slower shutter speed will allow you to set the ISO closer to 100.

  • Camera Stability

Use a tripod stand. This will help to keep your camera steady and prevent blurry photos Moreover, use a remote shutter release or timer to avoid any vibrations from pressing the shutter button.

  • Wide Angle Lens:

Aim to use a wide-angle lens to fit the entire room into the frame. This will let you frame the entire room in your photo without having to step back too far. Moreover, set the white balance. This will assure that colors are accurately reproduced in your photos.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your real estate photography will accurately represent the interior spaces you are trying to sell.

Guide To Choose Camera Settings For Real Estate Interiors Images

When photographing a real estate interior, it is important to choose the right camera settings to capture the space in the best possible light.

  • Lower Dynamic Range Rooms

Capture interior shoots using aperture priority mode. When taking photos of rooms that have low dynamic range, then use the following camera settings to avoid underexposing the image.

  • The quality of the Image will be Raw
  • Set the Exposure Mode on Aperture Priority
  • Set the Aperture between f/8 to f/11 for a complete room shoot. If you want a detailed shot of the room then set it on f/2.
  • Metering Mode: Matrix
  • Set the ISO below 400 or closer to 100. If you are not using flash then set it to 100. If you are using flash then set ISO between 320 to 400. And If ISO is too bright then reduce it to 200.
  • Set the Shutter Speed as Defined by the Camera
  • Keep the White Balance Auto
  • Focus Mode: Single-Shot Autofocus

You can also brighten the photo by increasing the shutter speed. This will allow more light into the camera, and will also help to freeze any movement in the room, such as furniture or curtains blowing in the breeze. By using these settings, you can ensure that your photos of real estate interiors are well-exposed and clear.

  • Wide Range Dynamic Rooms

You can’t use the same camera settings when shooting in dark rooms with a wide dynamic range. You need different camera settings and approaches. The following camera setting will be best for that:

  • The quality of the Image will be Raw
  • Set the Exposure Mode on Aperture Priority
  • Set the Aperture between f/8 to f/11 for a complete room shoot. If you want a detailed shot of the room then set it on f/2.
  • Metering Mode: Spot
  • Set the ISO to 400 for a brighter image.
  • Set the Shutter Speed as Defined by the Camera
  • Keep the White Balance Auto
  • Focus Mode: Single-Shot Autofocus

If you see the picture is still too dark then, set the ISO to a higher number (above 400 and below 800). This will make the sensor more sensitive to light, which will help to brighten the photo. Moreover, to take bracketed images then set the camera to continuous shooting mode.


These camera settings will help you to take the best possible photos of real estate interiors, which in turn will create more effective marketing pieces that have a higher chance of increasing potential buyer interest. Remember to take your time and set up each shot correctly to get the most out of your photography. With these tips in mind, you’ll be taking amazing real estate photos in no time!