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Best Tips On How To Choose And Use Vinyl Record Cleaner

In the case with digital devices, you don’t have to devote a lot of your time for cleaning since, normally, they don’t require regular maintenance. However, this is not the case of vinyl records as they are prone to attract dust, fingerprints, and grime. They require not just cleaning, but special attention to this process. The regular cleaning of vinyl records extends their life, improve the sound and playback, and prevents needle wear. When not cleaned at a regular base, they start to introduce an unwanted noise to the sound. That is why it’s so important to keep your vinyl records clean.

The improper cleaning solution or wrong cleaning method may damage both the record and the turntable itself. While you can buy replacement needles or styli for your turntable, finding a replacement for your precious vinyl record is a different story. So here are some useful tips that will help you to avoid mistakes while cleaning and choose the right cleaning solution.

Tips on how to choose a vinyl record cleaner

Many are split on what cleaners are the most effective and which ones are better to avoid. There are also a lot of alternative ways on how you can clean the vinyl record can be found on the web. However, it’s highly recommendable to use only cleaners, designed specifically for vinyl records. Using usual cleaning solutions like those designed for windows or kitchen may completely ruin your record or, at least, damage it. You can visit has-sound website to find the most suitable vinyl record cleaner, it’s the best for you.

You can choose from various types of cleaners. Except for usual liquid cleaners, there also special cleaning kits, brushes, clothes, vacuum wands, tools, and even record cleaning machines. However, when choosing one, you should make sure that it’s easy to use. It’s unlikely that you will want to spend a lot of your time on cleaning.

When choosing a liquid cleaner, you should make sure that it’s easy to apply. The one that goes in a form of a spray will be the most convenient one.

How to use a vinyl record cleaner

In order to get your vinyl records shiny again, follow these 5 simple steps:

Step 1
Get rid of dust and static using a special brush. This will significantly ease the further process of cleaning. Do it with gentle and long brush strokes to make sure that you are not damaging the surface.

Step 2
Find all the visible marks and blemishes on the record’s surface. You will need good lightning conditions for this. Look for any discolorations, fingerprints, and spots (these areas will need a special attention). Especially when you buy used vinyl records: in some cases, the entire surface of such records has some sorts of blemishes.

Step 3
Apply cleaner on the problematic areas. After you identified all the problematic areas of the record, you can either spray the cleaner on them or use a cloth (it isn’t necessary to use some special cloth: any microfiber or cotton cloth will be suitable as well). Be very careful when doing this. Make sure that the liquid doesn’t get on the label: this may lead to its discoloration.

Step 4
Wipe away all the stains and fingerprints. So, as the cleaner is on the record’s surface, start rubbing it with the help of a cloth until you remove all the blemishes or at least most of them. Don’t forget to avoid labels as they will certainly be damaged from such actions.

Step 5
Rinse and dry your vinyl record. Now, you have to remove the remaining cleaning solution. It’s better to do it using a spray bottle. Then, the record must be completely dried with the help of a dry cloth. Don’t touch the record’s surface as you store it after cleaning: handle it by the edges or label.

So, as all of your records are clean, you will obviously want to avoid their frequent contamination in the future. Try to store them in such a way so they were properly handled each time they are removed. You even may use gloves each time when you need to touch the vinyl record in order to eliminate the possibility of leaving your fingerprints on the surface.