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The Best and Worst of TV, 2016

As the upfronts loom, a look back at what worked this season ... and what didn't.

From Campaign US: On the heels of the fall 2016 primetime network scheduling announcements, let’s take a moment to assess the best and the worst of what the broadcasters — on any platform — offered this past season. As always, there was plenty of drama and comedy, though not all of it was intentional. See you at the festivities in New York next week!

The Best
1. Political coverage
Say what you want about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the rest of the supporting cast, this year’s gonzo political race has delivered huge ratings for news networks and talk shows. The jaw-dropping spectacle of Trump/Sanders vs. the Establishment has proved more addictive than any scripted series. And the fracas will only grow as Election Day approaches. It’s the best news Fox, CNN, MSNBC and the network news divisions have heard in years.

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