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Bitcoin Futures on the Market: Which Exchange Has Them?

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Bitcoin futures are an exciting way to invest in the cryptocurrency without having to own the asset itself. For those who don’t know, an immediate future in bitcoin is a contract between two parties which grants them the right to buy or sell a certain amount of bitcoin at a predetermined price. But what exchange should you use when looking for an active market in 코인선물? Let’s take a look. 

The CME Group and Bakkt Exchange are two of the most popular exchanges for trading Bitcoin futures. The CME Group first launched its Bitcoin futures contract in December 2017, making it one of the earliest exchanges to offer such contracts. Since then, it has become one of the largest and most liquid markets for Bitcoin futures trading globally. 

Bakkt offers physical delivery of its Bitcoin futures contracts, meaning that buyers and sellers can receive or deliver actual bitcoins when they settle their contracts. This makes Bakkt’s offering unique compared to other exchanges, as many do not offer physical delivery of cryptocurrencies. Bakkt’s physically delivered contracts also allow traders to hedge their positions against price volatility and have more control over their investments than with derivatives-only contracts offered by some other exchanges. 

In addition to these two major players, there are several smaller exchanges that offer Bitcoin futures trading as well. These include OKEx, BitMEX, LedgerX, Huobi Global, Bybit, Deribit and FTX among others. Each of these smaller exchanges offers its own unique advantages and disadvantages depending on what type of trader you are and how much risk you’re willing to take on. It’s always best to do your research before investing in any financial product so make sure to read up on each exchange before getting started!  

Ultimately, the best exchange for Bitcoin futures trading will depend on your individual needs and preferences. With so many options available, it’s important to evaluate each platform carefully before committing to any one investment. Consider factors such as fees, liquidity and margin requirements when making your decision. You should also consider whether you would prefer a physically delivered or derivatives-only contract and which markets are most active when deciding which exchange is right for you. By understanding the unique features of each exchange, you can make an informed decision that will help ensure a successful Bitcoin futures trading experience. 


Bitcoin futures are an exciting new way for traders to invest in cryptocurrency without having to invest directly in the asset itself. There are many different exchanges that offer these products but knowing which ones have active markets can be tricky! The CME Group and Bakkt Exchange are two popular options but there are also several smaller exchanges such as OKEx, BitMEX and Huobi Global that offer attractive features as well. Ultimately it comes down personal preference; just make sure you do your research before committing any funds! With all this information at your fingertips, you’re now ready to start exploring which exchange is right for you! It’s worth noting that not all exchanges offer the same features and levels of liquidity, so be sure to investigate each one individually before making any decisions. Good luck! 

Once you have chosen an exchange, it’s time to start trading your cryptocurrencies. Before diving in headfirst, it is important to understand the technical details behind cryptocurrency futures contracts. Each contract has a specific expiration date and settlement price based on the digital currency’s spot price at that point in time. It is also important to be aware of any commission fees associated with each order as these can add up quickly if you are frequently making trades. Additionally, depending on the platform you choose, there may also be margin requirements or other specific regulations which must be followed in order to trade. 

Understanding the technical aspect of cryptocurrency futures contracts is only the first step in successfully trading them. You will also need to assess market conditions, develop a strategy, and have an intimate understanding of your own risk tolerance level when it comes to investing. This will help you decide whether or not you should enter into a particular contract and what length of time you should hold on to it. Finally, don’t forget to keep up with news surrounding both the digital currency itself as well as any potential regulatory changes that could affect your position in the future! With these tips in mind, you are now ready to start trading futures and take part in the exciting world of cryptocurrency!