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Can Robots Replace Human Movers In the Near Future?

Elon Musk suffered a loss of $785 million in the first quarter of 2018. Why did a successful manufacturer and entrepreneur sustain such a huge loss?

Everything was perfect except just one thing: Musk underestimated humans.

He put plenty of robots to work to increase the production speed. He wanted to have 20,000 Tesla’s Model 3 electric vehicles ready by the end of each month. But, things didn’t quite work out as he had planned them. To recover from the losses and reach the production target, Musk robots were removed, and human workers were hired. 

The results? The production target reached 5000 Tesla vehicles per week.

Musk learned his mistake. Robots are great, but they can never be a 100% substitute for humans.

Robots are timesavers. What takes humans hours to do, takes just a few minutes to robots. In fact, many renowned hospitals have deployed robots to perform complex surgeries supervised by a surgeon.

So, does that mean robots will ultimately take over the world and replace human jobs? Such as maids, teachers, or even movers?


Robots cannot replace these jobs, especially the job of human movers, and here’s why:

Why Can’t Robots Replace Human Movers In the Near Future?

  • Inflexibility

The basic difference between a robot and a human is that one is programmed, while the other has a brain. 

Robots are programmed and fed a specific set of instructions. The robot cannot do anything that’s not written in its code. Hence, it is best to do technical, precise, and repetitive work without feeling monotony because it is programmed exclusively to do that work.

Inflexibility has no room when it comes to moving. The moving companies, movers, and the families moving out have to be flexible. There are plenty of factors that can affect the moving plan, and no one has control over it. For instance, bad weather, traffic jams, or any other unforeseeable situation can come in the way. 

If the robots are employed as movers, there is no way they’ll understand these situations and show flexibility. They’ll pack the stuff and load it in the car without understanding any situation or requests of clients.

The next reason why robots can’t replace human movers is…

  • Lack Of Communication

As humans, we are designed to communicate with other people. Even if they are simple gestures like smiling, nodding, or waving.  Small talk and friendly gestures make the person feel welcomed and comfortable.

Is there any way a robot can communicate with people around it? Can it initiate a conversation or give some sincere suggestions? No, there isn’t any way a robot can do that. Even the smartest AI technologies, like Siri and Alexa, cannot entertain humans with deep talks, suggestions, or advice. They will give an answer that is fed into their algorithm.

Like other reputable moving companies, the movers of Texas Moving USA are friendly, helpful, and open to the clients’ requests. They make the moving day smooth and hassle-free for the clients by involving them in small talk or sharing helpful moving tips. Robots lack human touch in executing their tasks.

Up next, we have…

  • Inability To Think Out Of Their “Code

How can you know that the packing boxes are wet, torn, or unfit for packing the things?

I am sure this question feels absurd but just answer it.

You assess things by using your senses, so you can know the condition of the box by touching it. But do you think a robot can do that? The advancement in technology is making robots smarter. However, they still lack the sense of touch. So, instead of packing the fragile things separately, all things will be packed together. And we are sure you know what will happen to the fragile stuff, don’t know.

Human movers pack the things and load the belongings in the vehicle after assessing their size, weight, material, fragility, etc. While a robot cannot do that. If it’s programmed to load the stuff, it will only load it. He is incapable of thinking, lacks emotions, and takes actions not included in its program.

While we are on the subject of emotion, let’s have a detailed talk about it…

  • No Emotional Intellect

Moving day can be quite an emotional roller coaster ride for a few people. Especially if they have spent a huge chunk of their lives in a certain house. 

Similarly, some people freak out just by the mere thought of packing up stuff and settling into a new space. During this time, a person needs reassurance and moral support from people. Both these things are outside of the robot’s program.

They can neither assure the people that everything will be handled with care nor engage in small talk to lighten their mood. It is only possible for a human to ease the anxiety and stress of the person. Furthermore, if there are slight inconveniences during the move, human movers can apologize and explain the situation. While robots are miles away from understanding the need and importance of an apology.

The last reason on our list is…

  • Robots Cannot Use Put their Past Experience to Use

Why do you prefer an experienced doctor, dentist, lawyer, tailor over a new one?

Because an experienced professional is an expert at what he does. His years of working expose him to different situations and find the perfect solution. The same is the case with human movers. The more experienced the mover is, the more your moving day will be smooth and hassle-free. The mover can use different tips that he has learned from his experience.

But when it comes to robots or machines, experience is out of the equation. Whether the robot is moving the stuff for the first time or the hundredth time, there will be no difference in their efficiency. That’s because their programs move them, and no amount of experience has any sort of influence on their actions.

Excessive Automation Can NEVER Be a Substitute of Human Movers…

Automation and advancement in technology are great. It reduces our workload, increases efficiency, and saves a lot of time. Robots are excellent for use in an industry that requires monotonous work, such as packaging the contents, assembling the parts, bin picking or any other job that requires precision. 

Robots are excellent for use in an industry that requires monotonous work, such as packaging the contents, assembling the parts,

But, when it comes to moving, replacing humans with robots is an absurd idea. Packing and moving aren’t similar for every client. Every move is different from others. Some families have more stuff, while others have less stuff. Some need to move from bigger houses to smaller ones, and vice versa. 

Movers have to create a proper plan for each client to cater to their needs. Robots can never do that. They lack creative thinking and depend on their program to execute an action. Hence, to put simply:

Robots can never take the place of human movers.