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CBS Cancels Sitcom ‘United States of Al’

Thirty Five Episodes in Total Were Produced

© by CBS

CBS has opted against a second season of Chuck Lorre comedy “United States of Al.” The series centered on the relationship between Marine combat veteran Riley (Parker Young) and his Afghan interpreter Awalmir, or “Al” (Adhir Kalyan), who finally lands a visa allowing him passage into the United States. Riley, who has separated from his wife, makes room for Al in his Ohio home, and together they struggle to adjust to their post-combat lives.

A total of 35 episodes of “United States of Al” were produced.

The fates of two additional CBS sitcoms – sophomore “B Positive”, also from Chuck Lorre, and recent entry “How We Roll” – are expected to be announced prior to the network’s upfront presentation to advertisers next Wednesday.