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Coinremitter Can Be the Best Choice in 2022 for Accepting Crypto Payments

The trading world has wholeheartedly accepted the concept of cryptocurrency. Traders and investors have loved investing in cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency that entered the crypto-world. There have been more than 9000 cryptocurrencies. The market of approx 1trillion dollars has been capitalized by more than 70 cryptocurrencies.

What is Coinremitter?

Coinremitter is a crypto payment gateway that comes with the support of some of the popular cryptocurrencies. It is a trustworthy and reliable option for merchants, which offers a pocket-friendly, secure, reliable, robust and quick setup of the payment gateway system. It offers automatic withdrawal functionalities up to a limited amount as well.

Why Coinremitter?

There are some other cryptocurrency payment gateways. But Coinremitter has the potential to be your dream choice. Have a look at the reasons why you should choose Coinremitter over other available options:

  • No monthly fees*
  • Lowest withdrawal fee
  • Auto forward payment (no risk)
  • No ID, no bank account needed
  • Global, anonymous, zero risk
  • Free support in the integration gateway
  • 33k+ active members
  • Fast and secure

No monthly fees*:

Coinremitter isn’t going to charge anything for its limited services. There is a paid plan too if merchants are willing to pay the premium and consume some premium services, you can check the inclusions below.

Lowest withdrawal fee:

Coinremitter charges fewer withdrawal fees compared to other crypto payment gateways. Coinremitter demands only 0.23% of the withdrawal amount. So, Coinremitter is the most affordable crypto payment gateway for sure.

Auto forward payment (no risk):

Coinremitter has integrated a feature of Auto-forwarding. It automatically forwards the permissible amount of the payment to the address added by the user. Merchants will not require the admin’s permission for forwarding the payment to the desired address if it doesn’t exceed the permissible amount

No ID/bank account needed:

Users can safely get the payment in the integrated crypto wallet of Coinremitter. There’s no need to add a bank account because Coinremitter supports only cryptocurrencies. So, merchants can get the benefits of Coinremitter without adding a bank account.

Global, anonymous, zero risk:

Merchants shouldn’t worry about Coinremitter’s availability as it is famous across the globe. Third parties cannot interrupt and know about ongoing transactions, because Coinremitter is anonymous.

Free support in the integration gateway:

Merchants can ask for free support if they’re facing problems in the integration of Coinremitter Bitcoin API. They can get support via email/chat/call. Even merchants having a free plan can apply for free support within the allotted duration. So, merchants don’t need to worry about data safety threats and fraud activities.

Coinremitter also provides free plugins on some e-commerce platforms like WordPress, Magento, Laravel, Opencart and Prestashop and crypto rest APIs. Integrating Coinremitter is fast and easy. For integrating Coinremitter in rest APIs, you must be a good developer or you should hire a good developer.

Trust of 33K+ active members:

Coinremitter is trusted for its mind-blowing services. More than 33,000 members are using Coinremitter actively, which means Coinremitter is powerful enough to be one of the most reliable cryptocurrency payment gateways. It is also worthy enough to keep merchants stuck with merchants for a long time.

Also, Coinremitter has several media listings like Cointelegraph, Dash and Blockchair, which helps merchants gain trust in Coinremitter.

Fast and secure:

Fraud activities or errors generally stay away from Coinremitter, thanks to its fast and secure transactions. Also, a dedicated team keeps their eyes on fraudsters and doesn’t let them be successful in their evil missions. Also, end-to-end encryption helps merchants keep their details private from others.

What’s exclusive?

Apart from the lowest withdrawal fees, Coinremitter charges the lowest gas fees on ERC20 transactions. Merchants have claimed of spending 70% fewer gas fees than other cryptocurrency payment gateways because Coinremitter’s gas station almost does it for merchants.

Also, Coinremitter allows merchants to list their coins on Coinremitter. No other payment gateway allows its users to do this.

Cryptocurrencies supported by Coinremitter:

These cryptocurrencies are supported by Coinremitter: BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, DOGE, TCN, USDT and BNB. According to some reports, team Coinrremitter is planning to integrate TRX soon.

Inclusions of the free plan ($0/month, as of July 2022)

  • Email, chat and call support are available
  • Rate limit API access
  • Limited hours support
  • Withdrawal fees of 0.23%
  • Limited addresses/wallet

Inclusions of the paid plan (as of July 2022):

  • Early access to the latest features
  • Rate limit API access
  • 24X7 support
  • Withdrawal fees of 0.23%
  • Unlimited addresses/wallet


After knowing this one can conclude that Coinremitter is providing some extraordinary features along with flawless crypto transactions. Its paid plan has some extraordinary offerings. And the withdrawal fees of 0.23% are incredibly low. Spending the lowest gas fees on ERC20 transactions was the most interesting feature I found on Coinremitter. So, Coinremitter can be the best choice in 2022 for accepting crypto payments.